"So I told you about how she thought I was cheating on her because I was spending a lot of time at work," I say gently and Micah nods back at me. "Well for a few weeks she started emailing round my directors and managers asking if I'd been with them, asking if he'd seen me with someone else whilst at work."

His eyebrows narrow towards me as I lean my elbow onto the back of the sofa. "And obviously for me that's severely unprofessional and I was so embarrassed. When I found out after Fred told me, I hit the fan. I never gave her a reason to think that I was cheating on her, I'd always been loyal."

Micah shifts on the sofa, moving slightly closer to me. "So when I confronted her about it she just said that she was insecure and I told her to trust me."

"Okay," he nods, encouraging me to go on.

"One day after work my phone died on the way back, when I got home Estella was screaming at me telling me that she knew I was with another woman. She started trashing my apartment, throwing things at me, saying nasty things to me." I stop for a moment to chew the inside of my mouth.

Micah's face drops for a second before attempting to recover. "Did she ever hurt you?" He asks so carefully that I wanted to melt.

"She tried to," I nod. "She full on threw a glass vase at my head, if I didn't move it would have hit me. But that's when I couldn't do it anymore, I told her how toxic our relationship was because she wouldn't trust me and she just wanted to self-destruct."

"I had no idea it was that bad West," Micah's lips pout towards me as he reaches over to cup my forearm between his warm fingers.

"That's not even the worst of it," I hang my head for a moment, running my hand over the back of my hair.

"What happened?" He says eventually, waiting for me to raise my head again.

"I told you about when she threatened to kill herself," I start and Micah nods, squeezing my arm gently.

"Yeah, you did."

"Well after I told her that I couldn't do this anymore, it was physically and mentally destroying me. I found her in the bath in my apartment, she had slit one of her wrists and threatened to say that I had manipulated her into doing it if I broke up with her." Even saying those words hurt me inside, remembering it made me feel nauseous.

"Oh my God," Micah whispers out. "What did you do?"

My hand now slides into his, feeling his warmth was exactly what I needed right now. "I rang the police and ambulance, straight away. Had to get my lawyers involved because I was terrified of what she would do next, if she would just waltz into my apartment at night and murder me in my bed."

"I'm so sorry West," he frowns towards me, leaning forward to press a kiss to my shoulder.

"Don't apologise," I look down to him. "It's not your fault. That's why I'm telling you that I don't want you to be alone when I know that she's out there, following you, sending things to your flat."

"What happened when she turned up at work that day I saw her?" He asks curiously.

"I had her escorted out by security, got my lawyers and everything involved again. Started planning on a restraining order, so that's probably why she's coming after you because if she comes near me then she can go to prison."

Micah's eyes flick between mine. "Oh God," he mumbles out. "I had no idea it was this serious."

"I didn't want to bombard you with everything that went on between Estella and I whilst your trial was going on, I didn't think you needed anything else to focus on." I shake my head towards him. "I guess it just never came up in conversation again because I thought she had gone away."

"Are you gonna talk to your lawyers again?" He asks before clamping down on his bottom lip.

My mouth hums towards him. "Yes," I say. "I'm gonna get all of this noted down and everything. Did you take pictures of those deliveries and that note?"

"Yeah Vee did for 'evidence'." he says with air quotes.

"I always knew that I liked that girl," I say as I squeeze onto his hand and Micah smiles up at me.

"She'd absolutely die if she heard you say that," he tells me.

"I bet she would." I nudge his side. "But if anything else happens, anything that happens that you think is strange. Call me as soon as possible, I don't want you to be dealing with this when it is my problem."

Micah shuffles up onto his knees, his head shaking towards me. "No, it's both our problem. I'm with you and that's the way it's going to be, if she wants to try and scare me off, belittle me. Then let her but she won't push me away from you, no matter what she says."

Before he even has the chance of finishing his sentence, I wrap my arms around his body and pull him close to my chest. "Thank you for not listening to her and believing how you feel about me," I murmur into his ear.

He lets out a relieved sigh and relaxes against my body. "I'm never going to believe what she says, I know you West. I've seen how genuine and lovely you are. I'm not going to treat you differently because she said a couple things."

My lips move to kiss the edge of his temple. "I'm so glad I have you," I tell him gently. "You make me feel so grounded."

Micah chuckles against my neck lightly before poking his head up to mine. "I like that," he tells me with a small smile. "Grounded."

My lips open into a broad smile as I lean forward and press my lips to his, feeling his warmth as he relaxes back into me again.

. . .

Read up to chapter 14 on Patreon!
Link is also in bio!!!

AAAH I love them both so much

What do we think of Weston's story about Estella?

What do you guys think is gonna happen now??

Their trust is another level and I am here for it

I just posted an exclusive chapter of Micah and Weston celebrating Weston's birthday, it's super cute and a little smutty. On Patreon now!

See you guys on the next one, love Sav x

Insta: SavRose.x
Patreon: dreammcatcher
Tik Tok: savanna.rose.x

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