ep 25 : Evening plans?

Start from the beginning

He wanted their opinion on this, the three of them had always been there for him, they were the ones who had helped him get away from his toxic ex boyfriends and their approval was something Team wanted before he gave P'Win another chance. He already had his sister's so the three of them were the only ones left. He hoped they agreed.

Pharm, Max and New looked at each other. They needed to talk about it. While team had a point they couldn't ignore what win had done either. Pharm shooed Team out of the room saying that they would talk and then tell him.


Win was sitting in the car looking out of the window. Apparently the two gaurds had been instructed not to let him out until Dean or Tul were there. He had been sitting in there from the past 20 minutes, why were the others running late?! He felt like a child who was waiting for his parents to pick him up from playschool, he absolutely hated it.

Finally he saw Dean's car park outside the building. Dean stepped out Pharm and New following him. Another car with Max, Tul and Team rolled up behind them.

Wins door was unlocked as Dean came near and Win got out. Dean other was grinning "Awww Little Winnie can't get out of the car with out me?" He teased

Win glared at him "Shut up Dean!"

Dean chuckled

"Where were you guys anyways? I was waiting for so long!" Win questioned as he walked over to his friend, trying to sneak glances if Team from behind him.

He was looking around to try and find the two who kept coming in his way yesterday, one if them had a lot of explaining to do about the bar. Maybe win had come too late, the timing wasn't written so it's possible that the timing was a problem. But he couldn't see either of them.

Win saw Pharm glaring daggers at him. Dean followed his gaze, Win watched as a smile crept on Deans face. Pharm was still looking at Win like he would kill him anytime but Dean looked as though he was seeing the cutest thing in his life. Whipped. Win thought before clearing his throat

Dean turned his attention back to Win who had made a mental note never to run to Dean if Pharm decided to attack him "There was a lot of arguing going on"

Win raised his eyebrows, curious he looked at Dean "Arguing? About what?"

"You" Tul stated matter of factly as he came up from behind Dean.

Win didn't know what to say, he felt bad that they were arguing because of him. But why we're they arguing about him? Where they scolding Team for being with him? He highly doubted that... Then why we're they arguing.

Tul grinned, looking at the puzzled expression on Win's face "You might not believe it but Team said he wants to give you another chance"

Win's head snapped up at his friends was this a joke? Some sort of revenge plan? Because it really wasn't funny if these two were teasing him.

"It's not funny" Win said still staring at Tul and Dean trying to read their eyes.

"Do you see any gaurds today?"
Dean and Tul were talking with Win while Team stood near the cars with New, Max and Pharm. Pharm and Max were glaring daggers at Win.

The three boys had been arguing since team was shooed out of Max's room. You could hear their voices if you stood by the door.

Apparently Pharm didn't like the idea of giving Win another chance, he was still weary of the senior. New on the other hand was going on about how maybe Team was right and Win really did regret it, he thought that they should give him a chance to prove himself.

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