Ch.10: Seems Safe

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Rose POV.

Toby lead me into an old cabin. 

"Okay wait here, I gotta go ask Zane and Spencer a question!" with that he lept out the door leaving me alone in the old cabin. Deciding to look around the place I found it had two bathrooms. Though only one seemed to work... great. 

Exploring the rest of the place i got the layout of the cabin. A small cabin with two beds and two bath. Only one room had a bed though; The living room had an old couch with a box TV. Doubt it works, the thing looks ancient. Walking into the kitchen I looked through the cabinets finding some foods that were still good, a few chemicals and cleaning supplies, and a first aid kit. 

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. 

"Who is it?" I called out hoping it was someone I knew. 

"It's Jane, Hoodie sent me to drop some stuff off," the women yelled through the door. Opening the door to a woman with black hair and a white mask. The lady waltzed right in and turned toward me. 

"You must be Rose, pleasure to meet you. I brought a few sweaters and other things that may be useful," She handed me a box along with two sweaters. 

"Thank you, I'm sure I'll end up using them," I thanked her. 

"Good, and there should be a map of the other cabins in the box too. So it shouldn't be hard to find your friends or anybody else's cabin," With that she left the cabin. Leaving me alone with my thoughts again. Sighing I set the box on the couch and tried on the sweaters. Only one of them fit, the other one was too small, I'll have to give it to Spencer for her to sew or do something with. 

As I began to look at the map Jane gave me Toby burst through the door. A bit of blood dripping off of his hatchets. 

"H-how did the talk with Zane go?" I asked fearing the worst. 

"It went fine, had to go on a mission afterward though," He explained, giving me relief knowing my friend wasn't dead. He dropped his hatchets on the floor and walked over toward the cupboards. Pulling out some bowls and some soup. 

"Do you have a clock?" I asked, realizing I hadn't checked earlier. 

"Yeah, it's in the bedroom on the dresser. Dinner will be ready in a few," Toby said as I walked into the back bedroom. Plopping my bag on the bed I looked at the clock. Seeing it was already 8:30 pm.. I laid on the bed waiting for Toby to holler that dinner was ready. Only to be surprised by someone's arms wrapping around me. Freaking out I jumped trying to wrangle myself out of their arms. 

"Sorry if I scared you there," He said, a slight worried tone in his voice. 

"It's fine, shall we go eat?" I motioned toward the door and he walked out with me following. Sitting at the counter he passed me a bowl of soup, then turned away to eat his. 'I wonder why he won't let me see the one side of his face. Getting an idea I got out of my seat and sneaked over to him. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, not recieving an answer. Before he could grab his mouth guard I grabbed it, causing him to wip around and look at me. Only for me to see the gash on his face, shrugging it off. 

"I don't understand why you hide your face, you don't look bad," I said shrugging off the fact he had a gash. A shocked look appeared on his face, causing me to smile at the look. Before going back to eating my soup. The rest of dinner was quiet, and after eating I started to get tired. 

"I think I'm going to bed, goodnight," I yawned before stumbling toward the bedroom. Flopping on the old bed I fell asleep within a few minutes. 'I wonder how everyone else is doing' 

~~~Hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to vote and Have a good day!~~~

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