Ch. 5: Lighted by Candles

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Spencer's POV.

I woke up on time for once, got ready for school and walked to school. Stopping for a breakfast burrito at the drug store. My sis didn't have work today so she stayed home and let me go to school on my own. I make it to school before the bell rings by cutting through the woods, tho I'm pretty sure the masky dude was following me. Ignoring him I put in my ear buds and ran toward the school, making it on time. Walking into class I woke Rose up. 

"Good morning sunshine," I gave her a smile, and set a small bag of strawberries in front of her. 

"Thank you!" She brightened up at the sight of them. Sitting down in my seat I waited for class to finish so I could get through the day. As I was about to take a nap the bell rang, and I disappeared into the crowd. Going through my morning classes I kept getting a chill, come to find out it was Brandon glaring at me. 'Wtf does he want from me now..'. I ignored him for the day. Soon lunch came around and I met up with Rose and Zane.

"How did y'all sleep?" I asked, seeing Zane looked tired. 

"Great though, something bad happened last night," Rose said, making us worry. 

"What happened?" Zane asked, munching on some rice. 

"Well Marcie broke into my house and lets just say, I need to find a way to get blood out of my carpet," She confessed, looking a little scarred in memory of what happened. 

"Proxide," Zane blurts out. 

"Yes, then you take a shampooer and use some before care, then go over the spot," I add, Rose looks at us worried. 

"How do both of you know this?" She asks.

"Are you sure you want the answer to that question?" I asked back, causing her to shake her head. Through out lunch I kept looking toward the woods, as if I'd see someone. I did a tall face-less man in a suit. Luckily the bell rang and we all ran inside. 

"Did you see that dude in the forest?" Zane asked, looking out the door incase he was still there. 

"Yeah it was weird," Rose said, getting chills at the thought of him. 

"I gotta head to class. Ask Toby about him later tonight Rose," All I received was a nod before I ran off to my next class. The day went by slowly, but once it was over I went straight home to find my mom passed out on the couch. My sis would be out with her friends so I was basically alone. I went to my room only to see a masked man snoring on my bed. He had a white mask with black features. 'Do I wake him up?' I decided yes and tried to wake the man up. Instead I got pulled into a death grip hug. 

"I can't breathe!" I tried to rangle free only to be let go. The man got up and went over to my burning candle. Pulling out a cig and lighting it with my candle. 

[Hey wanna come to the park with Rose, Toby, and me?]-Zane

[Sure can I bring a friend?]-Spencer

As I sent the message another man with a mask on walked into my room, his mask was black with a frowny face.

[Maybe two]-Spencer.

"C'mon you two, we are going to the park," I told them, they didn't say a thing just followed me toward the park. 

"Hey Spencer!!" Rose yelled and ran to give me a hug. I hugged back of course.

"Hello Toby," One of the masked men said, I guessed he had a voice changer cause of his voice.

"Hey Brian!" Toby was happy, about flinging Zane off the see-saw. 

"What should we do?" I asked wondering what the three had instore. 

"Just messing around in the park I guess, we could go feed some ducks," Masky suggested.

After sometime of messing around in the park it grew dark, I said goodnight to the other three and Brian, Tim, and me headed home. 'At least I know their names now'. 

~time skip~ at home.

Once at home I just flopped on my bed forgetting about the other two in my room. The two just got into bed along side me and let me sleep. Until I got up remembering I left my candle burning. 'I'm not letting him light his cigs with my candles.' Then flopped back in bed and started to fall asleep not being able to move ' Why must I be squished?' was my last thought before hearing some static and falling asleep.

~~~Hope you enjoy, feel free to vote~~~

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