Ch. 6: Noodle Looking Dude

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Zane POV.

As I woke up I thought I lost one of my rings, come to find out someone removed it. I guessed it  was the Offender person, since my family is scared to step in my room. Brushing it off I got ready for the day and decided to play some video games. After a few hours I heard a knock on my window. I look over to see Rose and Spencer outside my window. Opening the window they crawl inside and flop on my couch. 

"Why didn't you guys come through the front door?" I question their thought process somedays.

"Cause the window seemed funner," Rose said with a smile, snacking on some chips. 

"More fun. Plus I don't think your mom likes us very much," Spencer suggested, putting a box of my favorite drink down. 

"She doesn't like anyone, not even her own kids," I sat down infront of the couch, handing them controllers we ended up playing video games until 8:30 pm. 

"What should we do now?" I asked the two of them.

"Well my parents think I'm sleeping over here, so I'll spend the night here," Spencer explained, laying on the floor. 

"Okay, we might go to the skate park later then," I told her, pulling out my old skate board. 

"My parents won't be home for a few days, and Toby knows where we are," Rose pipped up, sipping an energy drink. 

"Lucky, my parents won't stop fighting. Plus my sis left to stay at a friend's how from how bad it is getting," Spencer sighed and took a bag of chips from my snack bucket. 

"That's fine, you both can stay here. I'll have to find another blanket though," I searched my closet for an extra blanket. Rose and Spencer got ready to pick where they will sleep, Rose got sleeping in my bed with me and Spencer got the couch. The three watched some anime until it rolled around 1:30 am. 

"Shall we head out?" Spencer asked, grabbing the old skate board and hopping out the window.

"I'll carry the drinks!" Rose hops out the window with a bag of drinks. 

I followed them to the old bus stop and we caught the night bus, heading toward the skate park. No one else was on the bus. At the skate park we met up with Nate, one of our friends from camp. 

"Heyo Nate!" Spencer yelled, running to give him a hug. 

"Hey guys, how are you guys doing?" He asked, giving Spencer a hug. 

"We're alright, Rose brought some drinks," Zane said, passing him a drink.

"Thanks, I could use some," he took the drink and stuck it next to his stuff. I, Spencer, and Nate skated for a while. After sometime Rose called us over and told us she saw someone. 

"Guys I saw that dude from school yesterday again," she said, causing us to get worried and look around. Until all of us started to hear static from no where and finally saw him. Grabbing Nate we ran home, not even waiting for the bus. Once at home we all agreed that Nate would spend the night with us. 

"Well goodnight, and can we all agree never tell anyone about this?" Rose suggested, laying next to Zane. 

"Agreed," All of us agreed, turning over I don't know what everyone else was thinking but all I know is that that noodle looking dude was dangerous. 'Please let us stay safe' was my last thought before passing out. I thought I heard something but ignored it, maybe I should have checked it out?

~~~Hope you enjoy reading, feel free to vote~~~

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