Ch. 1: Unwanted Visitor

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Rose POV.   

It was just like any normal day, wake up, take the bus to school, and meet up with Spencer in home room. Still I can't shake the feeling I'm being watched...

 "Good morning sunshine," Spencer says, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Didn't have time to clean your glasses again?" I joke, since their glasses were never clean.

"Yeah.. I didn't have time to think about it before my sister got me into the car," She explained, but I knew the real reason. 

We were both distracted from the conversation by the first bell ringing. As everyone got their bags and started to flood the halls, I lost Spencer in the crowd as usual. 'I'll call her later'.  The day continues as slow as it started, but I still could not shake the feeling I was being watched. It eventually got to lunch, so I finally was able to sit and talk to Spencer and Zane. 

"So any run ins with you know who?" Zane asks, sipping some monster. 

"Shush their name shall not be spoken!" I joke scrolling through my socials, as the other two start laughing. 

"Very funny Rose, Also have any of you felt like you were being watched at all today?" Spencer questioned, doing tricks with her screw driver. 

"Yeah, I have the whole day," relieved to hear I'm not alone with this feeling. 

"Nope, not other than the occasional glares of people but those are normal," Zane butted in, before the school bell rang. 

"Text me after school," Spencer says to the both of us, as we walk to our class. 

" How did you get into my class anyway?" Zane asked, confused on how I could be in a Sophmor class. 

"Ask Spencer, her and her family are scary. Even the principal is scared of them," I shrugged, getting ready for class. 

" I swear they are Russian from how much vodka she can drink and still be fine! Plus it would explain how they are so threatening," Zane started to theorize. 

"Mr. Wilson, talking in my class?" the teacher asked. "No, you are talking during my conversation!" He snapped back. 

"Office now!" Zane quietly got up from his seat, knowing very well he would probably just skip the class. 

After that the school day passed as slow as before, even with the feeling of being watched. 

~time skip~ At home

I went straight up to my room, not wanting to face my parents, since they were busy with "punishing" one of my siblings. Once I finished my homework I decided to try and sleep, but failed cause of my siblings making so much noise. Eventually dinner time came around, and I decided to grab my food and eat in my room. Finally being able to relax a bit I put on an anime and eventually fall asleep. 

Waking up to my window opening, I grabbed my baseball bat beside my bed. Sneaking up behind the figure, and waking them in the back of the head. They fall and passed out. i got a good look of the face of this intruder. They were a young man with googles and a mouth guard, a blue hood and tan stripped hoodie. He had hatchets, with what I assumed was blood on them. Too tired to even think straight all I wanted to do was go back to bed, So I did. Luckily enough the person didn't come back to try and get revenge. But I woke up to a letter, reading it my first  thoughts were 'I gotta tell Zane and Spencer about this'. Looking at the clock I see its only 4 am and I go back to bed for awhile, 'I'll tell them at school'. 

~~~ Hope you enjoy, you can vote if you want~~~

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