Ch. 4: A Protector in the Night

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AN: If you are into Metal music I suggest a band named Chaska. They are an Indigenous band, that include flutes into their music. It has nothing to do with the book just something to look into. Have a good listen :)

 Rose POV.

It was as normal as my days get. Get ready for school, eat, and then go to school. I had to skip eating breakfast, my appatite had lowered ever since I met Toby. So on my way to school I met up with Zane at the park. 

"Hey dino!" Zane skated up next to me, giving me a hug. 

"Hey Z! How did you sleep?" I asked, noticing he seemed really tired. More than normal.

"Not good at all, there was some dude in my room. He left a letter and I'm stilling Nope about reading it," he explains, his vibe changed to a chill. 

"Oh... well maybe Spencer can help. She knows a lot about demons and angels. After all me and her are into paranormal things," I tried to comfort him a bit.

"Then we should pick up our pace. She gets their early sometimes," Zane started to skate again, making me run. 

"Wait I don't like running!" I yelled, causing him to slow down a bit. 

Upon reaching the school we found Spencer sitting on the curb with a light bruise on their face. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried about them.

"Yeah, I just fell is all," Spencer explained. 

"Hahahaha sure you did! She fell right into my foot!" one of the school's main bullies hollered as he cackled. 

"SHUT UP BRANDON!" Zane charged at him with a knife. With in a few seconds a small fist fight had broken out. Security had to come and pull them apart. They let Zane go since it was an act of defense for a friend. Walking toward my first class with Spence I asked them what happened.

" Well, Brandon somehow heard about Trevor and he decided to make fun of me for my dead brother, along with that just being down right homophobic. So when I went to attack him in self defense I got jumped by the rest of his possie. That's all I remember," They explained. 

"Lets get through class than I have someone for you to meet," I told her, hoping meeting the surprise person would cheer her up. Sitting in our next class I see Toby appear out of the forest, he's right on time. As class ended Me and Spencer snuck off into the back foot ball field by the forest. The foot ball team was playing while students could use their free period to watch them. 

"Why are we hear again?" Spencer asked me wondering why I brought them here. 

"You remember how you told me your grand- Aunt's last name is Rogers?" I lead on. 

"Yeah, she called me Toby. She thought I was her grandson at the family reunion," They explained the story over again. 

"Well how would you like to meet the actual Toby Rogers?" I motioned for Toby to sneak onto the bleachers. 

"Hey my name's Toby," He introduced himself to them. 

"Spencer, I can see why your grandma would mistake me for you," They joked, smiling a bit. 

"Yeah, we look a bit a like," The two of them got along just fine. 'Thank goodness I was worried they might not like each other.' The bell for lunch rang and Zane joined us. 

"Wassup bitches!" he exclaimed, making direct eye contact with Toby. 

"Who is this?" Zane asked, pointing at Toby. 

"This is Toby," I told him, while munching on a sandwhich. 

"What about the letter you got last night?" Spencer questioned Zane.

All Zane did was hand them the letter, allowing them to read it to the rest of us. 

"Dear love, I have been watching you and your beauty. Of course your feelings have yet to be exchanged but that will happen over time. Until then you look amazing when you sleep. -Offender. Who names their kid Offender?" Spencer finishes. 

"I'm so sorry for you mate," Toby says, stealing half of my lunch. 

"Do you know who this is?" Zane asked, worried about who this person was. 

"Sadly yes, he is not someone you wanna be around. He's a sex offender," he blurted out the last part with a tic. The bell rang and I headed back to class telling Toby I'd talk later tonight. School went fast for the rest of the day allowing me to head straight home without much thought. 

As I stepped into the house my mom started to yell at me. I ignored her and headed straight to my room, and snuck up through the attic door in my closet to see Toby. I gave him my phone to talk to Spencer and Zane while I did my homework. 

"Bad day?" He asked. 

"Yeah a bit, Spencer got beat up and I want revenge on them," I confessed, sighing at the thought of them going after Zane and me next.

"I'll be back soon, I have a mission," He gave me a hug and hopped out my window. 

After some time I got worried, 'what if they really do come after me or worse Zane. Zane has a knife, but Spencer has a screwdriver and they still got her.' I was left in my room listening to music as my thoughts kept growing worry-some. They got so loud to the point I didn't hear the person sneak into my house. Until I had a small switch blade to my neck. 

"Listen here freak, I don't know why you think you could talk to my boyfriend like that. But you will pay," I instantly recognized the voice as Marcie, Brandon's girlfriend. 

"He hurt my friend, and I won't stand for that," I tried to tell her, but she pressed the knife closer to my neck. 

"Your friend deserved every single hit She got-ugh," She got cut off, by something or someone pulling her away. I turned around to find Toby about to cut her into pieces. I was going to try and tell him to spare her, but then I saw his rage and realized I shouldn't interven. Surprisingly he killed her fast and with out her screaming that much. 

"Are you okay?" Toby pulled me into a hug, the adrenaline of the situation had worn off and I fell asleep in his arms. I could feel him place me on the bed and heard shuffling, after awhile I could feel someone tic next to me. 'I'm not gonna fight my tiredness.' was my last thought before passing out next to him. 

~~~Hope you enjoy the story, feel free to vote~~~

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