Ch.3: What's with the letters?

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Zane's POV.

Waking up at 5am I looked out my window and decided I wanna sleep more, so I did. WHen 6:30 came around I decided to get up and get ready for school, "It's Wendenesday, half way through the week!" I exclaimed. As I did my make up and got ready for school my family started to wake up. Making too much noise out in the kitchen I decided to go straight to school. 'I'll text Spencer that I need breakfast'.

[Heyyyy, I need breakfast]-Zane

[Eggs and bacon or pancakes?]-Lovebug 'Spencer'

[Pancakes and bacon!]-Zane

[Okayyy]-Lovebug 'Spencer'

After texting them for breakfast I decided to skate to school and wait for Spencer to bring my food. While skating past the park I thought I saw someone and ended up falling off my skateboard. "That's gonna leave a mark.." I mumbled before getting up and skating the rest of the way to school. Once I'm close enough to the entrance I see Spencer waving to her sister. 

"Hey Spencer!" I holler.

"Good morning! I brought your breakfast," they handed me a bento box with warm pancakes and bacon in it. 

"You put rice balls in here too?" I asked, as I ate some pancakes. 

"Yeah, I know you like them and I packed them for my lunch," Spencer grabbed her sketchbook and pulled out two letters.

"Where did you get those?" I questioned while looking over their shoulder. 

"Some dude broke in and left these, then I passed out from exhaustion," they explained, taking a bite out of a waffle. 


"You'll bust their  knee caps? Don't worry the letters show no sign of them wanting to harm me," Spencer inturupted me. 

"Alright..." I quieted down and started to get ready to head to class. 

"Hold on.... there you go," they put a band aid on my face.

"You had a cut," As Spencer finished talking the bell rang and it was time for class. 

Running to class I sat next to the class clown, He knew enough to shut up when I was around. Then for the rest of class I took a nap. Going through the day was pretty normal, a few glares from some mean teachers or some other people. Ending up at lunch I ate my rice balls and listened to Spencer and Roses nights. 

"Yeah so I woke up and there where cigs going toward my closet where the letters were. After that I turned around to go and turn my lights on and I saw some dude in a mask and I passed out. Then woke up and read them' Hello Spencer, hope you don't mind if we hang around for a bit. We saw our proxy partener around your friend and you peaked our intreast. -Brian (Hoodie).' and the other one goes ' Dear Spencer, Im the one dropping the letters off. We are going to be watching you for awhile along with your friends, but you will probably see more of me than you know. We'll be watching. -Tim (Masky).' That's it," Spencer explained and read the letters. 

"So not only are we being watched by a Toby, but now two others?" I asked full of sarcasm. 

"Yep guess so, good thing is Toby hid me from my parents when they were fighting again," Rose said.

"Well its good to know you're being protected," Spencer responded with a smile. 

"But are you?" I asked her. 

"Me and you both know how my family can get on really bad days. I can take two more people," Spencer smiles, getting up and grabbing her stuff she left. 

"What do you think that was about?" I asked Rose.

" No idea," she answered

We both looked at each other totally confused, until we got a text. 

[Get inside right now, there are people in the forest]- Spencer

Rose and I stared at each other, we had always eaten outside for the past few warm months. But looking at each other we grabbed our bags and headed to class, not wanting to take a chance of getting killed. In our next class we had a test, that I forgot to study for... yay..

~time skip~ end of school

"I'll try to text you guys later tonight!" Spencer yelled starting to walk home. 

"Bye!" Rose waved as she ran toward her dad's car. 

I waved and headed home, once I passed the park again I could have sworn I saw a tall man in a hat standing by a bench. Thinking I was just tired I went straight home, to find my siblings fighting. 

"GO TO YOUR ROOMS NOW!" I yelled at them, sometimes i'm more of a parent to them than my mom and step-dad are. As they stomped to their rooms I checked up on Rose. 

[How are you?]- Zane

[Good, found Toby hiding in the attic]- Rose

[Oh cool, Ima go and take a nap now]-Zane

[seen 5;12pm]

Sighing I flopped in bed and fell asleep. After a few hours I got woken up for dinner, walking down to the kitchen I sat by my brother. 

"So how was school?" My dad asked.

"It was fine, nothing special," I answered not wanting to talk. 

"Nothing special, then why don't you try home schooling like your siblings?"he suggested.

"Not intrestead," I finished my plate and washed it before heading back to my room. 

[Hey Spencer]-Zane



[I'm okay, I'm outside playing with my volleyball]-Spencer

[At 9 pm?!]-Zane


[Okay stay safe, Im going to read for a bit and head to bed]-Zane

[Okay good night!]-Spencer

I flopped on the couch in my room and read a few ebooks, before falling asleep in the same spot. Waking up to someone carrying me to my bed I looked around, ans saw a glimpse of the same dude from the park. On the ground there was a letter. 'NOPE' I just went to the bathroom, washed my face and went back to bed. Ignoring the letter 'What if it is something that will be useful in the future'. That was my last thought before passing out on my bed. 

~~~Hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to vote~~~ 

AN: It's 1:30 am if there are any incorrect spellings or simple grammer mistakes Ill probably fix them later on. So good night and get some rest you beautiful humans. :)

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