Chapter 36: Her First

Start from the beginning

"Can I come in?" Septimus' voice rang softly from the other side of the wooden barrier; Severus rolled his eyes. It wasn't more than a week ago when Septimus accidently walked in on the two in mist of a heavy snog; one that Severus was sure would have lead to more if they had not been interrupted.

"Of course," Katherine said, as she tightened the cords on her robes. "Did the storm wake you?"

"No," Septimus sighed as he entered the bedroom. "This did..."

Sitting securely the young man's arms was his seven month old sister; clutching her plush calico kitten in one hand and trying to grab her brother's shoulder length hair with the other. As soon as her mother came into view, her chubby little hand abandoned its' attempts at the black locks, in favor for reaching out for the blonde haired witch.

Serenity cooed softly as Katherine took the little girl in her arms and settled herself on the bed, next to Severus. Wide blue eyes took in her father's black ones, as she blindly reached out for her mother's hair. Suddenly her eyes scrunched up and she released a tiny whimper.

"What's wrong sweet pea?" Katherine asked softly, as she removed the little fist that Serenity was trying to put in own mouth.

"Another tooth?" Severus asked, as he watched Katherine inspect the little girl's mouth.

"Appears to be," Katherine sighed, before looking up at Septimus. "Sept...could you please fetch her teething ring?"

"Sure," Septimus said, as he quickly left the room and headed for the lab.

"He does realize that he could have just summoned it with his wand," Severus muttered with a frown.

"His brain's still asleep Sev," Katherine chuckled lightly. "Just let him be."

Minutes later Septimus returned with the ring, which Katherine chilled with her wand, before handing it to her daughter. This was Serenity's fourth tooth that was breaking through, and she seemed most content with the ring over anything else. Katherine had been overjoyed a week earlier when the little girl went from scooting to a full crawl, and was even able to hold herself up on her legs while being supported. She had also had begun eating more solid foods, laughing and babbling tiny chains of consonants.

"Guess we're not running to today, huh," Septimus sighed as another bright flash lit the room.

"No, I suppose not."


"Not today," Severus said, shaking his head. "I plan on doing a bit a research on the Wolfsbane Potion modifications."

"And Helena's gone all week with her family," Septimus huffed, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "What am I suppose to do all day?"


The rains only became heavier by the time noon arrived, and the family of four had settled into the study for the day. Katherine had set herself up on the floor with Serenity; entertaining the small child while she glanced over the newest Potioneers Monthly Magazine. Just before noon, she left the wizards in charge of the little girl, before heading off to get lunch ready.

"Hey dad?" Septimus asked, as he sat up in his chair. "Did you know that mom had an uncle who turned his wife into a goat?"

"What?" Severus asked, looking up from his notes that were spread out over the mahogany desk.

"Yeah!" Septimus laughed lightly. "It says that 'Wulfric the second and his wife, Ophelia, were known for their heated arguments;' and that 'Wulfric always called her an old nagging goat. One day when his brother, Octavius, came to call on the couple, Wulfric had told him that Ophelia had left after an argument and never came back. But the wizard boasted about the goat he had supposedly purchased soon after her departure.

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