Chapter 32

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Noah's POV:

I stayed here, laying silent. Just waiting for her to be here too. Hours had passed and she still wasn't around. I gave her every excuse I could possible think of. Maybe she got sick and went to the doctor or something. Maybe something entirely different had happened. What if she was hurt somewhere or what if something really bad happened? I tried to silence my thoughts but she was the only one who constantly filled them.  I thought I did everything right, everything that I could possibly do to put a smile on her face. Clearly none of that mattered since she apparently didn't want me around.

My ringtone went off. Honestly, I didn't even care. What's the point really? The woman I love doesn't love me back. I gave her everything I could give, but it still wasn't enough. I wasn't enough. No. She does. There's no way she couldn't. I felt like screaming, I felt like crying. Why wasn't I enough? 

My phone rang again. The caller idea told me it was Charli. If she's concerned, then I should be terrified. I picked it up and held it close to my ear. "Uhh. You need to learn how to pick up your damn phone dude." Such a nice way of saying hello. Thanks Char, thanks. "Did you get a hold of Dixie or not?" She asked. Of course I didn't find her. I wouldn't be loosing my mind if I found her. "No. I don't know what to do. She's never done something like this, it isn't like her." I said. Charli sighed, not knowing what to do either. 

"I'm coming over." She said, hanging up the phone before I had anything to say. I tossed it across the bed that I laid on. Then, I stayed looking at her things that were in my room. Her stuffed animals that always smelled like her conditioner. To her art supplies that were scattered along my test. Some of Dixie's clothes were still left on the floor. I picked those up and stared as I though she wouldn't ever want to see me again. I threw them into the hamper and sighed. 

When another hour had passed, I had my tux off, I was more worried for her safety then before, and Charli came over. "Do you think I should call my mom? I mean, I doubt she'd be concerned but she might know where Dix is." She said, sounding a little annoyed. Any mother would be worried about their child, especially in a time like this. "I'm sure your mom would want to know if she doesn't already." I said. Charli started to laugh then quickly stopped and grew a little angry. "Well not everyone has a good mom like you do." She said, sounding a little snarky. "I'm sorry, hormones." She expressed, sounding sorry. There's so many secrets now. I'd hate to lie to her too. For some reason, I just blurted out everything. Everything about her father. Everything I knew about her sister's pregnancy.

She stopped moving. Looking a little confused as to why I would tell her all of that. "Wow. Umm. Well, I already knew most of that. About my father I guess. But, Dixie was pregnant and she never told me?" She asked. I nodded. "Were you the dad?" She questioned. I suppose I never found out. None of us really know. "I have no idea." I said. She sat down across from me. "Well then we have to find her soon so I can beat her ass for not telling me. Lets go." She pulled my arm.

We got to her house. There's really no point, she's not her. "How did you get in anyway? The doors locked." She looked back to me. "I got in through your sisters window." Her eyes widened. "How many times do you do that?" I looked at her. "Anytime I need to find Dixie." She shook her head and unlocked the door. Everything looked the same. I expected that since there was nobody her. 

Charli screamed all of a sudden. "Yo bitch, are you here?" She looked around. "Char, there's nobody here. Not even your mom." Charli ignored me and continued to look around.  For the first time, I looked down at her stomach and saw the bump. There wasn't much but I still thought it was cute. Anyway, I looked along with Charli. Just trying to find anything that would tell us where she'd go.

"There's nothing here. She left and I have a feeling this involves your mother." Charli looked down as a spoke. "What do we do now?" I really didn't know how to answer her question. Stuff like this doesn't happen on a daily basis. "We're going to go in my car. Come on." I said, groaning. I didn't want it to have to come to this but I don't know what else to do. 

We walked up to my car and I told her to sit inside. "I'll be in there soon. I'm just going to make a phone call." She nodded and closed the car door. I moved to the front of the car to make the call. Her contact was the first one I saw when I opened my messages. I hit the call button and waited for it to go to voicemail. "Hey. I don't know what's going on with you right now or even where you are, but I'm starting to worry a lot. I couldn't find you anywhere and I just want to know you're okay. If you don't call me back or text me in the next few minutes, I'm going to be going down to the police station. You've been gone for close to eight hours now. I love you so much and I just want to know you're safe. Right now, I don't care if you don't want to date or talk to me, I need to make sure everything is okay. I love you babe. Please call me back." I ended the call and got inside the car.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" She asked. I started the car and put my seatbelt on. "I'm going to talk to that officer and see if Dixie's there. If not, I'm going to see if someone will find her." She started to get really scared. Her hands began to shake and tears streamed down her face. "Oh my gosh. No, she's already going through enough. I really hope she's okay." She said, wiping her tears. "Charli, I'm sure she's fine. I just want to make sure she stays fine."

We got to the station. Our ride was short and quiet. She was really scared for her sister. I opened the door for her and she walked in, thanking me. We looked around but we didn't have to look far. I saw Dixie across the room before Charli and I knew exactly what happened. "Char, how about you go collect yourself in the bathroom, I'll be out here. Just come out when you're ready." I said with sadness in my voice. She thanked me and walked away.

I made my way over to Dixie. She had been crying as well. Her body had been filled with bruises. It happened again. She looked into my eyes and cried some more. I opened my arms and she ran into me. I held onto her and I kissed her head while she cried into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry baby." I should've protected her but I don't even know how this could've happened. She was home and Griffin was supposed to be in a jail cell..

"Are you okay?" That was such a stupid question. Of course she wasn't. I still felt like I had to ask. "Yeah, I think so." She said with a stuffy nose. "I brought Charli. I wasn't sure if you would want her to see you like this so I told her to go to the bathroom." I said while she moved away from my arms slowly. "I don't know what to do. I have a lot on my mind right now." She expressed, wiping away her tears.

An officer came over to us. "Dixie, can I talk to you with my partner for a few short minutes?" They asked.  She nodded. "I'm afraid only family can go in right now. This conversation is going to be very personal. So unless you guys are dating, I don't think it would be very appropriate to have anyone else go in there." I fully expected her to tell me to wait outside. "He's my boyfriend. I would like him to come with." I didn't think she was going to call me that but okay. I'm alright with whatever makes her most comfortable.  

She grabbed my hand and we walked inside. Her mother was there, crying as well. "Can you tell her sister where we are. She's in the restroom now." I asked. The officer nodded. He talked into his walkie- talkie.  We sat down at the table while we waited for the detective to speak. The room was quiet for a while. "Can you talk me through what happened Dixie?" He asked while looking down at his papers. Dixie looked down as well, looking absolutely defeated. "I just wanted to make myself look pretty for our date then I saw him come through my door..." 

A/N: We're almost at 5k reads. Ahh, that's so awesome. Thank you guys. I hated that I had to push the date even farther but I guess Dixie confirmed they were dating in this chapter. The court chapter will be coming soon so be prepared for that.

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