Love&Monsters [Joel X Reader] pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Guys, this is Joel," you say as you make your way to Joel's side and take his hand in yours. "Joel, this is- well you obviously know who they are."

Everyone has a friendly greeting for Joel except your father who suspiciously eyes the two of you holding hands. "Mhm. And where is everyone else, young lady?"

Your smile falters. "Oh. It's, um, it's just me and Joel actually. My colony either died out or left because they went stir crazy in here."

That seems to surprise your father long enough for someone else to say something and drag the attention off of you.

"So is this all you're taking?" Clint asks, gesturing to a pile of boxes and crates.

"Yeah. Yeah it is," you tell him. "Joel and I left some stuff behind in case anything goes wrong at the compound. Or you guys run into trouble if you're still in the life saving business and need a place to crash. This way we'll still have a safe place to run to with a bit of supplies in it."

Natasha proudly grins at you. "You've learned well."

"Yeah, well," you sheepishly shrug, "I learned from the best." Then looking up at Joel, you say, "Why don't you help load up the jet and I'll show dad to Mav1s."

"Y-Yeah. Okay."

As you walk towards your dad to show him to your lab, Wanda just so happens to be near him and grins at you. "Ooh. He's cute," she murmurs.

"Tell me about it. Dad's gonna be a total cockblock at the compound, isn't he?"

She snorts, shrugs, and then walks away to pet Boy instead of helping with the boxes.

When you get to the lab, Tony glances around with an impressed expression on his face. "You set all this up?"

"Yeah. I was already pretty good with electronics, but I picked up some books early on and read up to improve my skills. As you can see, it helped."

Tony slings an arm around your shoulders. "I'm proud of you, kid."

"I was proud of myself too." You huff a laugh and then gesture to Mav1s. "So will you be able to charge her at the compound or am I packing up that stuff too?"

"Leave your stuff here. The compound is fully equipped."

Instead of waking the robot, you and Tony leave her be. You unplug her and Tony takes the wheelbarrow handles to wheel her out to the front. When you get to the main room, you and Tony stop short at the sight of Joel attempting to holster his compound bow on his back and failing. Multiple times.

"That's who you've chosen?"

"Dad!" You hiss, swatting his arm. "Be nice." When you glance up at him, you see your dad smirking. "He's sweet. You'll like him. And if things don't work out, I'll happily let you guys prank him."

"Fine. You have yourself a deal."

When Joel finally gets his bow attached to his backpack, he smiles and winks at you. You snort as Tony rolls his eyes and you push your dad to head for the door.

"He likes me," Joel muses.

Laughing, you push him towards the door. "He's just waiting until you break his baby girl's heart so he has a real reason to dislike you."

Joel nervously laughs, but soon his laugh tapers off as he's left gaping at the sight of Wanda in action as she flings wisps of red energy here and there. As it turns out, Wanda only tagged along to keep the monsters at bay with her magic since the rescue was taking place in the dark of the night.

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