Day One - Cole's Outvoted

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Prompt | Fall Leaves

Prompt | Fall Leaves

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🍂 - 🍁 - 🍂

Cole sighed as he pushed his rake through the leaves, scraping some of them into his pile before pausing to take a break. He straightened, wincing as his back popped and rolled his shoulders. Cole surveyed the now clean yard with a sense of satisfaction, smiling a little as he looked at his hard work-

"COLE!" The earth ninja let out a girlish scream, the rake dropping from his hands as he leaped away from the figure that appeared over his shoulder.

After his heart calmed down, Cole cracked open an eye to glare at the cheeky young man that stood in front of him, grinning from ear to ear.

"That wasn't funny, Jay!" Cole snapped as his friend chortled.

"You screamed so loud!" Jay snickered. His cheeks were rosy with laughter. Cole scowled, grumpily dragging the rake's teeth through the ground until it drew lines in the earth.

"What are you doing to help?" Cole asked pointedly, jerking his head towards where Nya and Kai were cleaning dirt from the windows.

Jay smiled proudly. "I already finished all my chores! Wu suggested I come over here and help you."


Jay paid him no mind, licking his way through the leaves excitedly as he scooped the orange blade-shaped plants and threw them in the air, watching with wonder as they spiralled to the ground.

"Hey! I just raked those!" Cole complained hotly. He stamped his feet as he walked over to the auburn-haired boy.

"Stop being such a grump, Cole!" Jay laughed, tossing some leaves and sticks at him. Cole sputtered, swatting at the sticks that stuck to his sweater collar.

"Ja-ay!" Cole whined a little. "I just want to get this done so I can have lunch!"

Jay rolled his eyes. "Fine."

"Thank you." Cole handed him the rake. "I'll go get another one from the shed."

Jay nodded and began to prod at one of the piles with the rake. Cole turned to walk away but a loud yell startled him and suddenly he was holding an armful of Jay! Cole screamed as something green jumped out of the leaves, spraying them all over the place.

"AH! What is it? What is it?" Cole screamed.

"LEAF MONSTER! LEAF MONSTER!" Jay screamed back, clinging to the taller boy's neck.

"Stop screaming! It's just me! Holy Spinjitzu master!"

"Lloyd?" Jay gaped, betrayed. "How dare you hide in the leaf pile and jump at us!"

Cole was unhappy that he had been tricked again and promptly dropped Jay on the ground with a thump.

"You guys nearly broke my eardrums!" Lloyd covered his ears and opened and closed his mouth.

"Serves you right!" Jay poked at him. "You should be punished for the crimes you have committed!"

Cole raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you just scare me?"

Jay sniffed. "That was different. I wasn't trying to scare you. You're just jumpy."

Lloyd nodded sagely. "Cole is very jumpy."

"But- I-" Cole's jaw dropped. "Jay was the one who leaped into my arms!"

Jay squared his shoulders and lifted his chin. "To protect you."

"Very brave." Lloyd complimented him.

"Thank you!"

"Oh, my-" Cole pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's it! You two- " he pointed at the pair with a narrowed gaze. "-Are cleaning this up!"

"What? I don't think so!" Jay protested.

Lloyd kicked the rake away from him. "Yeah, I didn't sign up for taking the lawn."

"Then what did you sign up for?" Cole sassed.

"Uh, I was the one who took the chicken on a walk! I think you all should be thanking me!" Lloyd waves a hand at where the electro-bird was following Wu around the yard.

"You messed up my hard work!" Cole waved sporadically at his destroyed leaf pile. "I shouldn't have to clean it up because you destroyed it!"

Lloyd shrugged. "I think it's perfectly fair."

Jay nodded. "Me too."

"This isn't a vote!" Cole snapped, picking up the rake and thrusting it at the green ninja.

Lloyd glanced at the rake before looking at Jay. They both snorted and marched off, blowing a raspberry over their shoulders. Cole slumped, glaring lasers into their backs as he watched them go. A single leaf drifted down and landed on his fringe. Cole angled his eyes up to glance at it and huffed, the gust of air sending it up once more.

"I hate raking." Cole pouted.


Day one complete! Now tomorrow I'm even more busy so I probably won't get around to writing day two. I hope you all have fun though!


Lucky 🐞

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