09. Mayhem

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As I stepped out of the cottage, my throat clenched tightly as a heap of bile resurrected at the back of my throat. A lump of saliva and disdain filled my form.
The wind wasn't as airy as it used to, the cloud wasn't aggressively beautiful like it used to and most importantly, ecstasy and infatuation in reminiscence to the clouds didn't seep in anymore.

The farm animals thrashed around hopelessly as the light creaked. As darkness seeped in, a kid ran to its mother in fear, and memories of what my life used to be replayed like a film in my head.

The way she caressed her little one, leaving no stone unturned in caring for the subtle being.

The way the branches of the trees blew ecstatically because of the wind. I closed my eyes; swollen to it's peak, trying to breathe in every breath of hope that the night sky could shower on my needful being.

Unanswered questions ran through my mind.
"Was she in paradise? Have the chapters of her life come to an end?"
The Unwanted serrations sent a tingling sensation down my skin. Goosebumps had dominated my form at this point.

Still, I wasn't going to give up, I walked around in search of Herrington yet  nothing was revealed.
Now, I yelled out her name but the only response I got was a frightening one that sent unwanted shivers through my spine; the howls of owls.


After a while of searching for Herrington, tiredness began to seep in, anger began to pierce my heart for no other positive feeling seeped in.

I searched and searched yet I found nothing. No trace of Herrington, not even human interaction with anyone who might have known her.
I was very careful about who I interacted with for humans were hot on my trail.

Author doesn't let go! I'm sure his being is ferociously searching for me. There's no doubt that he's desperate for my head, so I shan't disclose myself to anyone, not yet.

I said to myself.

I lost hope and desperation for everything seemed far until I heard a voice.
It was calm and subtle, like one that's pain ridden, flushed with the mysteries of life, thwarted by the evil doers. 
A voice ever so calm that my ears caught it like the beautiful sound of a sonata.
Yet dread filled the voice.
Firmness filled the voice but pain was clearer.

The calm voice called out again benevolently and I immediately swung my head backwards to see who called out to me.

Blood! Red liquid! Human blood! Defilement!

"Selena!" A worrisome, gaudy and tattered Herrington ran to me like I was her last hope. She held onto my being tightly as the stench of blood infuriated my nose. Anger caught my fragile emotions and I lifted her head slightly to make eye contact with her. Our eyeballs peered into each other's and everything became instantaneously overwhelming.
I embarced her like I had lost the mother I never had. For the fragile woman showed me how to be loved like a child, shared the perks of motherly love, that I doubted for a moment that she was without a child to her name.

Blood drippped from her body as cuts were visible on her skin. The obviousness of the wound being infected was there.

"I don't know--- Selena---" She stammered bitterly as she tried to catch her breath in the air but couldn't reach it. Her being was fumbling like she had finally gotten a serene glimpse of death. Fragility written all over her weakened and sagged body for 'all she needs at her age is love and a little bit of hesitancy.
Someone to cherish her even in her endtime, someone to soar the sky with her. But now, only sour feelings resided within her.'

"Let's go home, your wound should be infected. My being shan't rest till thine who did this finds company beneath the ground where humans trample on with their feet, that I promise. "

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