04. Mistake

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I bade the kingdom goodbye, I walked worryingly, thinking this would be it. Still reminiscing on Augustine's words.

After journeying for about thirty minutes, I stopped at the forest where the evil resides because my legs were aching nonstop. I decided to lay my head on a tiny rock (which I used my cloth to cushion) and take a break.

After sometime, I heard creeping footsteps in my deep slumber and to my utter dismay, I woke up feeling uneasy, heart throbbing back and forth in fear, fear of the unknown clasping my throat.

The mighty thud of the footsteps that were approaching me grew louder. I gathered the whole strength in me to raise my head and I saw a mighty figure; the forest keeper. I tried to escape with my wearing legs but I was withheld by the forest keeper.

The man spoke; " Woman! what brings you to this deadly forest? I shan't let intruders in this premises so you better speak up!"

I tried to talk but nothing close to a sound came out of my mouth. I tried one more time; I breathed in and out. With a mild and shaky voice I told him "I am heading to paradise please help me before death traps me." I let my palpable form sink in vulnerability because of how helpless I was. For a naive person like me, I've suffered a great deal of hardship for my existence.

I couldn't really make anything out of my existence anymore. It was just a bland desert.

The man sighed heavily at my plight. Then he asked "Are you Selena?"
On hearing this, I became skeptical about everything but I still answered; "Yes I'm Selena"
"I'll take you to Aegeus" the man said. For the first time in a long while, I felt reassured, like I actually have a purpose, like something significant was happening.

I flickered my eyes in disbelief but I still followed him.

We continued moving through the forest with the cool breeze grazing my skin, the hoots of the frightening owls terrified me, the consuming atmosphere made my heart beat faster than ever before; leaving shivers on my bare skin, aching for warmth.

Finally, after a long and silent journey, we approached a small town. My legs were weary, I couldn't move anymore. I just needed to be cared for but I couldn't falter at that point; I had to keep moving, to be optimistic, at least.

Optimism was my only genuine escape.

The small town was beautiful. Glistening surroundings, at least at that point I didn't feel extremely timeless. I felt a sense of achievement, 'maybe this is step one', I thought to myself. I felt subtle streak of tears roll down my cheeks. I wiped my subtle tears away.
It was all so overwhelming, a second wave of tears threatened to roll down but didn't for it only stung my eyes.

In my world of uncanny thoughts, I heard a familiar voice "Isn't it beautiful?" The forest keeper said. I sniffled then responded hesitantly "agh, yes it is, very pleasant, removes every ounce of appalling pain." He gave my being a soft smile. "Go into this town, ask of Aegeus, I've heard a lot about their relation with Paradise they should know something."
"Thank you. I shan't forget this favour, I'll repay someday if that's possible."
He simply nodded then progressed to his intended journey.

So, I continued the journey on my own.
It was late so I decided to look for a place to spend the night.
I walked forward a bit and it immediately became uneasy as the little life in my womb kicked. For reasons unknown to me, I became terrified of everything; I couldn't place if I was scared because of losing my child or how alone and defeated I felt all at once. I stopped moving in front of a disintegrated wooden house. The house looked old, manageable but it was also very horrifying.

While finding shelter in front of the house, I heard mild footsteps like that of a lullaby but I didn't pay any attention to it. Only if I knew.

"Young one." I winced as the cold fingers touched me, the cold touch jogged my horrified body to face the person. I terrifically stared at the old lady. "I'm so sorry for intruding, I'm just so lost, I have no idea where to go. I'll leave if it deems necessary."
"No stay child. Are you looking for someone? Or you're looking for a place to sleep? You can spend a night here, I really don't mind. I'm a widowed woman so I find company very ecstatic." She uttered with a friendly and inculcating voice. It calmed my being down.
"Yes ma'am, I'm actually looking for a place to spend the night; don't worry I won't be a burden, I'll leave once the sun rises tomorrow." I explained.

"No child. You can stay as long as you want." She deadpanned sending me a soft and comforting smile. It reassured me again.
"Okay, thank you, I'll always appreciate your kindness. "
She sent me a nod in acceptance.
"Okay, let's go inside, you need to rest."
"Yes, thank you."

And just like that, I found myself blindly following a total stranger, oblivious to what could transpire.

"Excuse me child, I never got your name." She siad exasperatingly.
"Oh yes, I'm Selena, Selena Luther." I smiled at her softly. "What about you ma'am?"
"I'm Herrington child, please don't call me ma'am." She released a subtle chuckle, it relieved my form a bit and for a while, happiness filled the space.

"So, Selena, right?"
"Agh, yes Herrington, Selena!" I reassured her. I furrowed my brows a bit in hesitance of her supposed question.
"Okay." The lady reassured then she continued "What are you doing out here by yourself, pregnant and alone, no one to help you?"
"Well I can take care of myself." I answered in the sweetest way and she sent me a smile. "But the story of how I got here, that's a story for another day. Thank you again for bringing me in."
"It's no problem child, no need. You know, I never got the chance to experience what motherhood feels like so this is aslo ethereal for me. As for your story, you can tell me whenever you're ready, I just hope you're fine." She said with care filling her bright brown orbs glistening with affection and purity.
"I appreciate your kindness.
I'm sorry about your story but at least now that I'm here, let's just try to be happy." I sent her an ecstatic smile.
She nodded in agreement.

She sniffled "don't make me cry!" She laughed, her laughter reminiscing the whole room.
"What would you like to eat child?"
"I'm fine with anything, really."


"Child, child, wake up, I made soup for you. Chi---" she shook my form aggressively.
"I'm awake Herrington, I'm awake." I chuckled lightly while rubbing my eyes to dominate the deep sleep.

"This will help with the baby, it'll make you feel good at least after your stressful journey."
"Thank you Herrington".
Honestly, I didn't know what was in the soup but it tasted really delicious. As I scooped it into the spoon, I imagined Luther grasping my form off my feet, as I let the soup touch my coaxed lips, I remembered Luther's lips intertwining with mine; it was the best feeling ever.

"Are you okay child?" Herrington's voice snapped me into reality. "Yes, yes, I'm well. Thank you for the soup, it was tasty." The words flushed out of my lips hurriedly. I didn't know if it was right getting so friendly with a total stranger but I didn't have any other option.

"No need child, I'll keep making more! You better lay your head down. You probably need to rest. Aslo, I appreciate your presence but if I'm going to keep you here, I need information and answers child at least the necessary one's."
"Yes, I understand Herrington, I'll explain everything tomorrow."
"Child, I just need little information, tell me the rest when you're ready."
"I will. Goodnight and thank you again."
"You'll be fine child, sleep well."

My chest ached.
I felt pain and uncertainty. How Arthur was still out there, ferociously searching for me. Unpleasant thoughts ran through my head, for a moment I wanted to leave my thoughts banging against the wall but the hazing thought, the obscene memory of Arthur's hard thrusts into Luther's stomach kept tormenting me. I shut my eyes, yet the thoughts wouldn't leave, they wouldn't. I banged, I imagined hard thrusts into Arthur's stomach, just like it played out with Luther. Now, these memories were suffocating me, the feeling became intense as all sense of humbleness slid down the drain.
"Arthur!" I screamed, loud enough, very loud.

"Selena!" I heard a familiar voice reeking of terror and regret. I thought to myself; 'I'm so scared and unsure but even if the heavens were to fall, Arthur is still alive, I am still reckoned with misery. Just plain vanity.'


Well, I wrote a full note here but sadly, I mistakenly cut it after highlighting, I couldn't paste back! Lmao I just cried my eyes out.

I had a lot in the former A/n, to interact more with y'all.
I hope you like how it's going, please comment your thoughts, read and vote! Plus, my friend gave me ideas for this chapter, so thanks
Thank you lovely 🤍

[October 23, 2021]

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