Chapter fifty five

Start from the beginning

You walked through the portal, arriving immediately two meters from Shigaraki.

"Good morning Shigaraki. You wanted to talk?" You asked, you could basically hear the stress lingering in your tone.

Shigaraki looked at you while you spoke before rolling his eyes and standing up from the wooden box he sat on, again the others from the league weren't there.

"Ugh for fuck sacks don't be so formal." He snapped at you, walking past you to get something to drink.

"Sorry." You apologized, rubbing the back of your neck.

Shigaraki walked to another room, leaving Kurogiri behind so the two of you could talk without anyone around.

The stress felt like it was eating you alive from inside out. It didn't help that he wasn't speaking at all, just standing there, sipping his drink while staring at you.

"So how do you know about my plans?" You asked, getting to the point because you wanted the stress to leave.

"You said you needed that hero for your plans." He shortly explained.

"Oh." You muttered.

How could you make such a stupid small mistake, all because you were in shock and nervous that your teacher would die that day.

"But I figured it out." He quickly added.

Woah, he really surprised you so many times.

You had thought that a boy who hadn't gone to a proper school for most of his life wouldn't figure out something that secret by only one sentence.

You nodded, your mouth making an 'O' as you looked around. "Oh so What do you think?"

"The idea of you, what was it called again?" Shigaraki asked, placing his glass back on a small table that stood in the middle of the room.

Called? You hadn't named it anything? But he probably meant what the main subjects were of your plan.

"Saving you and killing master?" You said in a questioning manner.

Shigaraki nodded his head as if he hadn't clearly heard what you said but then it snapped into his mind, making him turn his head quickly towards you with wide eyes.

"Wait. What?!" He shouted, shock washing over his face.

Now you understood what he was doing all this time. He never knew the whole thing of your plans, he just knew you had plans but he didn't know more.

He tried to look like he knew more so you would eventually tell him what it was.

And you fell right for it.

"You want to kill master?! Why?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because he's the reason that everything in our lives is so fucked up." You said, hoping that he would see that too.

"He is the reason I was saved and got a home." Shigaraki argued back.

He was right. But he didn't get saved, his life got worse.

He felt saved but truly the nightmare just started at that moment.

"You wanted to be a hero and look at you now? Is this really what you want? Are you happy like this?" You asked, stepping closer towards him as your hands roamed through the air, sometimes pointing at him.

"I-" Shigaraki said but stopped, not knowing what to say.

This time you were right and he knew that.

He had been thinking about all of this before. The moment that his master had hurt you, he had never stopped thinking about what Afo true intentions were.

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