Chapter 1

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Sophie's P.O.V

1 year earlier...

It was a bright sunny day, the sun was streaming through my bedroom window. The brightness lit up my room, along with the photos hanging and sitting in various places in my room, of me and my best friends. My phone buzzed from my bedside table as I made my bed. Deciding to leave it half made I went and picked up my phone.

1 new message from Clara.

Clara: you gonna be at school today? Xx

I reply instantly.

Me: Yes x

Clara replied almost immediately.

Clara:I'm going into town after school. want to come?

Me: Stupid question :) Hey did you do last nights homework?

Clara:Yes, I'll give you answers at school :) see you there. Xx

Me: Thanks Ari :) Your amazing! Xo

Clara: I know! I'm the best and you can tell me all about it at school!! X

I smile slightly as I roll my eyes. Clara was my best friend but sometimes it was all about her. She bullied others sometimes and she mostly only thinks of herself. But deep down I know she's a wonderful person. She has helped the less fortunate and she is really nice once you get to know her. She sometimes even let's the friendless people hang around with our group.

I grab my bag and make my way down the stairs to the kitchen. Once I've told my mum where I'll be after school I head to school. Halfway there I see my best friend Emma waiting for me. She was acting strangely today, she was very quiet and wasn't as happy as usual. She walked with her head down, a slight frown on her face with sad eyes. And her feet were hitting the ground like they weighed a ton. This was very different to her usual bouncy walk with a lot of conversation and a huge smile plastered on her face. She always looked ready to conquer the world. But today she looked dreary and sad. She looked like the world had conquered her.

"You coming to town with Ari and I?" I ask trying to cheer her up at the thought of shopping.

'Wasn't invited" she plainly answered, eyes glued to the ground.

She looked like she was going to cry. Or have an emotional break down! I search my brain wondering if I had said something to make her upset. But we were really close, we rarely got offended at each other's banter. This was something else.

"Why not?" I ask puzzled and concerned.

"Clara and I are not friends anymore" she sadly answered.

I gave her a questioning look.

"She was hanging out with Ava's group of friends" Emma begun.

"She said you were ugly, worthless and a waste of time. And when we were alone later I defended you" she explained.

My heart felt like it dropped to the ground because of the whole situation. She had a fight with her best friend because she was defending me. She was put in a situation she couldn't control. She tried to do the right thing but only ended up getting hurt.

"Anyway we had a big fight and I told Clara that she was the only ugly, useless waste of space".

"So she said our friendship was over and she would make my life horrible" she finished.

Knowing Emma stood up to someone, let alone our best friend Clara, for me. It made me happy and sad. Happy that I knew this girl right here would go to extreme lengths to defend me. Which I was grateful for. But sad because it meant she was the one that got hurt. She stood up for me, did a nice thing and the right thing. And it made me sad to think she only got hurt. She knew she was going to get hurt but she still stood up for me. I couldn't ask for a better best friend than the one I had in Emma.

I thought Clara was better than that, I thought I was her best friend. I almost couldn't believe Clara had said that, but as nice as Clara can be, I do believe that she would say something like that. It was then that I realized if I believed Clara could say that about me behind my back. Why was I friends with her? How could I ever trust her? How can you have a friendship without trust?

"Emz I'm so sorry" I start to say feeling bad she got dragged into this for defending me.

Her mood changes and she slightly smiles.

"It's ok what are friends for right?" She says.

"Thanks Emz" I thank her.

I was worried about Emma, Clara, our friendship and the day ahead. Although I tried to push that and any question or doubt away. I'm sure this is a miss understanding I tell myself. But it's too late because deep down I've already accused Clara of gossiping about me. Clara did sometimes make stuff up and gossip about others but she wouldn't do that to me?

This is why I had to push the thought away. Because worrying is only going to cause problems. The last thing Emma needs is more drama at school today. But I would talk to Clara about it today after school. For now Emma said she would hang out with some other friends she has. We agreed I'd have to hang around Clara for the day and sort this out after school. Instead of causing more drama at school. I feel a sick in my stomache. This afternoon could not come quicker.


I didn't say anything about Emma to Clara, all day. Clara ignored Emma and acted like everything was normal. She didn't say anything about why they weren't talking. She either didn't want to discuss it or figured I must of known. I reckon she knew I knew not to discuss Emma wether I knew about it or not.

"Come on let's get to the mall before it closes" Clara says as she pulls me along the footpath.

"We still have four hours till the mall closes" I remind her.

"Oh my goodness!" she suddenly exclaims.

"I want to get them tights that have the universe design on them then my legs will be out of this world!" she says dramatically.

"Haha I see what you did there" I laugh.

"I'm so funny" she chuckles.

"Oh your hilarious" I say sarcastically.

"Are you having a dig at me?" she asks pretending to be upset.


"Your so mean" she scoffs.

All of a sudden I trip and fall towards the ground. Yeah I may be a bit clumsy, it's defiantly not my finest moment.Clara laughs as she helps me up and I wince in pain. We stand there laughing barely controlling ourselves. We were having fun, laughing and having the silliest conversations. And that was about to change. How was everything fine right now, I was supposed to be angry at her? But at this moment it was too much like old times.

At this moment the Clara I knew and loved was dragging me into her web. Did I really believe she would say that about me? Yes. I instantly took it back, I've been to harsh and judging her all day before I got her side of the story. It wasn't fair for me to judge her without her side of the story. I've just believed all day that she would say something like that about me. She might say something like that about other people but not me. It occurred to me at that moment Emma could have made this all up. But Emma isn't like that. Clara could easily gossip about someone and then be nice to their face. Ugh I need to just ask her otherwise I'm gonna stand here all day going around in circles.

"Emma told me about what happened" I start the conversation.

"She probably lied too" Clara said plainly.

"Clara! Soph! wait up!" a voice yelled.

I hear footsteps and turn to see...

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