Seokjin avoided Pran, but that wasn't difficult since she was with Taehyung all the time. He stayed with Areum and Namjoon. He tuned Namjoon out to the best of his ability while focusing on Areum.

She amazed him. He knew of her abilities in hunting and cartography, but to witness it was something else entirely.

"What are you mapping?" He'd asked one night completely cutting off Namjoon's rambling.

"The land of the Phoenix." She continued to do rough sketches with details he had missed when they were too busy trying to get there and then escape.

"You saw all of this?"

"I didn't have to." She never stopped drawing, and Seokjin knew it was accurate with the exception of some details.

Hoseok and Jina stayed away from everyone. Jina had no desire to see her brother, so she didn't go around Eunjin much despite how much she missed her. Hoseok stuck by Jina's side, and he'd do small things to make her happy like scorching a heart into the wall of their bedroom.

Jungkook hadn't been happy about that, but he ultimately decided he'd do the same for Nari if it made her smile and laugh.

There was one day though in the silence of the manor that Sungjung's bare feet padded through the halls. She had her blanket wrapped around herself, and her hair was sticking in different directions from sleeping previously. She stopped in front of Namjoon's door and knocked softly.

She didn't expect him to be awake, but when he opened the door, she froze. She didn't know why she had gone to him. The memories of what the prophets had done plagued her, and she finally wanted relief that could only be found with him.

"I'm tired, Joon." Her voice cracked a little, and she seemed so frail.

"So am I." He was too afraid to reach for her, too afraid she'd disappear.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. She didn't meet his eyes, so she didn't see his half smile.

"What for?" He asked with a breathy laugh. "You've done nothing wrong. I'm sorry."

She fidgeted with the blanket. She didn't need it, but it was comfort. The feeling of wanting to be wrapped up and feel small was foreign to her, but it relaxed her.

Namjoon watched her carefully. "You want to come in." There was no question. "You can. If you need to break my things, you can. If you need to punch me, you can. If you need to curl up in my bed and kick me to the floor-"

"How did you do it?" She asked abruptly. She finally looked at him.

"Do what?"

"Transport both of us at the same time. Prophets can only transport themselves." She wrapped the blanket tighter around herself but squared her shoulders. She met his eyes.

It took him a moment to answer her. "I don't know. I just didn't want you to burn. I went on instinct."

She nodded and chewed on her bottom lip. "All right. I'll come in," she said. When he stepped aside she shook her head. "Only if you warn me your plan is going to get me killed next time."

"I can do that."

She walked into his room and looked around. Maps Areum had drawn were strewn everywhere along with notes Namjoon had written. Plans, a list of threats, and odd descriptions she assumed were visions he and Nari had.

She ran her hands along all the papers. The horrific descriptions made her insides turn, and she felt a slight flutter in her chest as if her heart were beating rapidly. She was afraid, and when she looked back at him, she could see he was too.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now