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"taehyung? " it was to my surprise did i unexpectedly find the man standing outside my house with a suitcase

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"taehyung? " it was to my surprise did i unexpectedly find the man standing outside my house with a suitcase

"oh hey"
what is.. the meaning of this

"why are you...."
"I'm moving in remember?"

I did offer him to stay at my house this morning didn't i

"ahhh right, come in? i guess" i walked backwards to give him space to walk in the door with his huge suitcase

"so? which roommm" he straight up asked with also an unexpected excited tone as i was still in a confused position

"oh uh guest room upstairs, opposite of master bedroom " i showed him up the stairs to the long-locked bedroom

No one really stays or sleeps here other than myself so i never really bothered to change the old fashioned furnitures in that room

"um, breakfast at 6, lunch 2 30, free time, then dinner.. Oh and laundry, I'll pick up your dirty clothes at random times so just leave them in a basket outside your room, " i explained slowly

"oh okay! Nice to meet you, roommate! "

Ugh that sounds weird

We've only known each other for like what, a month? And now we're already living together

"mm sure, oh and there are snacks downstairs so like.. eat them if you feel like it but only just a little bit.."

"ahh okay "

"well, now.. make yourself at home i guess"

I walked away from 'his room' and went to mine

He decided to move in so quickly tf

I pulled out my laptop and started to do some stuff

Uploading monthly calendars, posting a few pics on instagram just for it to be liked by a hundred people in just one minute

Yeah that was all i did, no, that was all i had to do

I laid down flat on my bed and started to think about something new to make a hobby, i was getting too bored these past few weeks, i don't wanna be the kid who 24/7 studies, to hell about studying

Then suddenly i heard muffled voices from outside the room

I went to knock on taehyungs door only to end up getting no response, then i went downstairs and found the television on

"yah! Im your mother how could you! " the voice came from the screen

"oh hey chaeyoung! "

He was sitting comfortably on my sofa, with a bag of chip in his hand and a cup of water beside him on the table

"wahh, you're fitting yourself in very quickly aren't you" i walked and sat down beside him

I rarely even use the television, the only thing i ever do in this house is spending time in the library doing whatever i have to do

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