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"How did he know you?" JJ questioned as he pulled River to the car. "How did he know who you were?"

"I don't know." River whispered, she was still confused about the fact that Renfield knew her too.

"Come on, River. He knew you. How?" JJ continued to press.

River pulled her hand out of JJ and shot him a small look. She didn't know why he didn't believe her. She didn't know if it was just because of last night or if he was just panicked.

"She said she didn't know." Silas cut in, he grabbed the girls bicep and pulled her back towards him. The dark haired boy shot JJ a sharp look, telling him that he was over reacting.

"I don't know, I really don't know." River whispered towards Silas. "He knew my name. He said I reminded him of my mother." She climbed into the back of the car with the help of Silas.

"We'll figure it out, don't worry." Silas placed his hand on the girls shoulders as n act of support. He didn't want her to worry any more than she already was.

"Look, if Limbrey's legit, then Ward gets arrested, and maybe Sarah gets the gold." Kie spoke up once they saw Limbrey and Renfield guide Pope out of the house. "Does that look voluntary to you."

"That would be a negative." JJ shook his head. "Wait, hold on." He stopped Kie from exiting the car. "They're going into the alley. We'll meet them on the other side."

River anxiously chewed on her bottom lip as JJ drove around the block, trying to find a back entrance to the house to help Pope. She could see that Silas was growing more and more agitated, which worried her.

"Where the fuck did they go?" Silas slammed his hands on the top of the truck, making JJ and Kie jump from the inside.

"Dude." JJ snapped, his grip tightening on the wheel. "What if they went underground? Cause in C.H.U.D, when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn humans into humanoids cause of the radiation."

River couldn't help but smile at the mention of C.H.U.D, remembering how JJ claimed that it was their first date. She missed it. Not the film, but the way she was with JJ, before all the gold and Royal Merchant.

"JJ-JJ focus. That doesn't make any sense." Kie held her hand up to silence him.

"Right, sorry, did you see him?" JJ questioned, glancing back at River and offering her a closed lipped smile.

"No." Kie shook her head in response.

JJ pulled to a stop once they saw Pope through a gap on the fence. Silas didn't wait for the car to stop before he jumped out. He quickly rushed towards the gate and ran through.

River followed quickly after, seeing Renfield tackling Pope to the floor, a taser in his hands. Silas grabbed the taser and placed it against Renfield's back, so that he freed Pope.

Silas helped Pope stand up and quickly pulled him with him as they ran away. River however hesitated, she wanted to make sure that the man was okay before running. After all he knew her and she didn't know how.

"Angel, we gotta go." JJ's arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her with him, he didn't give her an option of staying or not, there was no way he was going to leave her behind.

He climbed into the back with River whilst Silas drove. His arms wrapped tightly around River's waist as Silas took every turn sharply.

"He's following us, Riggs. Step on it." River tapped the top of the car, so that Silas heard her and didn't miss what she was saying.

"Angelica, if I go any faster. You're falling the fuck out." Silas snapped back, but still applied more pressure to the gas.

"This is a one way." Pope announced, making Silas continue down the road. "THERES A CAR." With a smirk, Silas cockily turned the car and quickly pressed the breaksnonge he saw the couple crossing the road.

"Get the fuck out the road!" He shouted out the window before continuing to drive, he didn't have the time to start an argument with them.

River looked back at the couple, makijh sure that they were okay. They both seemed to have stopped and stared at the truck like they recognised it, but before River could see who they were, Silas turned down another alley and the car came to a stop.

"Fuck." Silas jumped out of the car. "You said he fixed the carburettor." He shook his head, running his hand over his face. "Putos mecánicos."

They all climbed out of the car and began running before Renfield could catch up to them. The blonde held JJ's hand tightly, not wanting to break away from the group.

"Shit. Guys I think he has a gun." Kie cursed.

The group continued to run, Silas knocked over a postman and Pope apologised for him. But the dark haired boy didn't seem to car, all he cared about was getting them all out of there unharmed and alive.

JJ pulled them down another alley way and continued running, shouting something that River couldn't quite put her finger on. He was about to continue running but River pulled him back.

"John B?" A smile spread across her face, she hadn't ever been happier to see someone in her whole life. "Sarah?"

Everything felt like it stopped, all of them smiling and completely forgetting that they were all being chased. Silas just stood there, not exactly knowing what to say or do, instead he lowered his head slightly, recognising them as the people that he almost hit, although he kept that to himself.

"Get in." Sarah shouted. Kie and River climbed into the back with Sarah whilst JJ, Silas and Pope pushed the cart from behind, helping John B get it started.

"God I missed you." River pulled her cousin in for a tight hug, thankful that she and John B were both okay and well.

Everything felt like a high, their group was reunited.

RIVER | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now