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Kirishima' POV

I walked behind Bakugou, trying not to get separated from him in the busy streets. I had never been around so many people before, it was a bit overwhelming. I was tempted to grab Bakugou's hand just so I could be sure I wouldn't fall behind. Even so, I stopped myself. It would be an invasion of his personal space.

We were looking for Kaminari and Bakugou said the best place to find him was someone named Shinsou. Bakugou said he was thought he knew where Shinsou lives but he didn't sound too confident.

I was caught by surprise when Bakugou grabbed my wrist. I winced when his hand wrapped around my wound, that was still healing from the hunter's trap. He noticed and lowered his hand to my own.

"Sorry," He muttered, "Your falling behind. I don't want to look for you and dunce face." A smile grew on my face and I let him drag me through Holden.

Soon enough we came to a neighborhood looking part of the town. There where less people here and all of the buildings were varying sizes of houses. Bakugou slowed down and muttered to himself, looking at each house. He let go of my hand.

"I know he's in this neighborhood but I can't remember which house," He said. One of the doors to a house opened. A man with purple hair came out.

"Bakugou!" He called, "Are you looking for Kaminari?"

"Eye bags. Is he with you?" Bakugou asked. The guy with purple hair nodded and gestured for us to come in. We followed him into the house. Bakugou jabbed a thumb in my direction, "This is Kirishima."

"I'm Shinsou," The purple haired man nodded to me as a greeting, "Kaminari was panicking when he came here. He said you two were taken away by the king's guards."

"Yeah. They recognized me and took me to the kings," Bakugou sighed in annoyance. Shinsou lead us to his living room where Kaminari sat on a gray couch. He fidgeted with his hands nervously. When he saw us his face lit up.

"You guys are okay! I thought they were going to lock you away forever!" He exclaimed jumping off the couch and running to meet us in the doorway. I chuckled.

"Aizawa and Yamada aren't assholes like some other kingdoms," Bakugou crossed his arms.

"I'm glad you had somewhere familiar to come when we were taken away," I said taking in the living room. Shinsou had a couch and cushioned chair facing an old fire place. He had a framed painting on one of the walls of a younger version of him and a man and woman. They shared similar features with Shinsou and I assumed they were his parents.

"We found Eraser head," Bakugou announced, "He wanted us to get back to him once we found you."

"Really? How? Who is he?" Kaminari asked excitedly.

"Not here, idiot," Bakugou hissed, jerking his head towards the doorway where Shinsou stood. He raised an eyebrow at Bakugou's behavior. "Let's go. I don't want to leave him waiting too long. He's already given me shit about enough things." Kaminari glanced at Shinsou reluctantly and nodded in disappointment.

"Okay," He sighed, "Thanks for helping me out."

"It's what friends do," Shinsou said with a shrug. We followed him back to the front door. "Don't be afraid to visit again." He told all of us but he only looked at Kaminari. We left, thanking him again. Bakugou lead the way back to the castle. When we got back into the crowded streets. My chest felt tight and I wondered how these people could handle this every day. I stayed as close as I could to Bakugou in fear of being separated. Soon enough we were at the entrance of Aizawa's and Yamada's castle. Kaminari gaped at it next to me, causing me to chuckle.

"Eraser head lives here?!" He asked incredulously.

"Yeah. He's one of the kings," I said. The guards recognized us and let us in. My mind felt jumbled, trying to remember the way back to the throne room. Luckily, Bakugou remembered it perfectly, as if he had lots of experience.

I wondered what kind of troubles caused him to end up here? Why did the kings offer him help? It didn't seem normal for kings to notice and offer personal help to their citizens, if Bakugou was even that.

Bakugou's loud knock on the oak throne room doors broke me out of my thoughts. I could hear Aizawa say enter from the other side and the throne room guards opened the doors for us. Aizawa and Yamada hadn't moved from their since we left. A black cat lay asleep in Aizawa's lap as he pet it. A butler was whispering something Aizawa's ear. He nodded in response and turned his attention to us while the butler left swiftly.

"This is your friend?" Yamada asked looking at Kaminari who bowed in response.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, your majesties," Kaminari said formally. I felt bad for not doing to same when I first met them but I was too shocked to process my actions.

"Likewise," Aizawa started, "We have guess rooms set up for you while you are in town. Maids will show you to them later. I just got news of Shigaraki's spies, so we are going to a conference room to discuss it with some of my men. If you are up to it please join us. If not." He paused, "Why did you join?"

With that he stood, holding the cat in his arms. His husband stood with him and they lead the way out of the throne room. Bakugou followed close behind and Kaminari and I did the same. In the hall Aizawa let the cat jump to the floor. It ran down the hallway were I could see another tabby cat. The kings lead us through so many twists and turns in the hallway, my head was spinning.

Finally Yamada opened a door to the conference room. Then Eri turned the corner, coming down the hall. She noticed us and her eyes lingered on Kaminari. She slowed down, stopping at her father's side.

"Can I come with you?" She asked looking at the open door, "I want to watch your meeting."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Aizawa crouched to her level, "This is an adult meeting. It's too mature for you. Why don't you go find a cat to play with?" Eri nodded with disappointment.

"I can read you a story after, okay?" Yamada asked. Eri smiled and nodded before running off to find a cat. The five of us went into the conference room.

Have a good week. -K. K.

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