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Bakugou's POV
I hear a lot of things while traveling through the woods, but a monterous roar was not usually one of them. It was so loud, it seemed to shake the ground. Birds flew from the trees to get away. I'd never heard anything like it.

"What was that?" Mina asked. I began stomping through the forest towards the noise with my sword drawn.

"We shouldn't be going towards it!" Kaminari yelped. I ignored him, stepping over a large root.

"Kaminari has a point. Whatever made that noise is probably dangerous," Sero added.

"I'll kill it if it thinks it's better than me," I growled. Jiro sighed.

"We might as well back him up. He might get himself killed this time," She said. I heard her draw her sword.

"I heard that," I snapped. She chuckled. The others drew their swords too.

"Why do we always have to go towards the dangerous stuff?" Kaminari huffed, "We should try going somewhere nice like the beach or-"

"Quiet," I cut him off. I heard whimpering and I took off after it. Finally something big, red, and scaly came into view. The dragon's head reached the top of the trees. It had two maroon horns. Giant white fangs poked out of it's mouth. Dark spikes lined its neck down its spine and tail. It had big leathery wings folded on it's back.

At first nothing seemed wrong until I looked at it's leg again. The blood blended in with the red scales. A metal hunter's trap was closed around it's foot. The trap was too big for any bear. Who ever set the trap intended to catch this dragon. I edged closer to it's leg and it growled at me.

"Shut up, dumbass. I trying to help you," I growled back. It stopped so I assumed it could understand me. It let me get closer and I studied the trap. I pushed down the springs on either side of the trap. The pressure in the trap reduced and the metal jaws fell away from the dragons leg. It didn't hesitate to move its leg away, a small whimper escaping. I let the springs go and the trap snapped shut again with a harsh clang.

"What do we do now that it's free?" Kaminari asked behind me. I stood and began to walk away.

"I don't care," I said.

"But he looks so sweet!" Mina replied.

"What-?" I didn't know how a dragon could look sweet but when I looked at it, all I saw was big red puppy dog eyes. I groaned. Mina went to pet it but before she could get close enough, red smoke surrounded it. The smoke disappeared and a boy stood there with red hair and a grey scale pattern vest. His forearm was bleeding heavily.

"Whoa!" Sero and Kaminari exclaimed. Mina stumbled back in surprise.

"Uh, Hi?" The boy chuckled awkwardly raising a hand. His teeth were sharp like shark teeth.

"You can turn into a human?!" Kaminari and Sero asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," The boy seemed a little awkward.

"Let me bandage your arm," Mina said. The boy smiled again.

"Thank you. Whats your name?" He asked. Mina sat down taking her backpack off. He sat down with her, watching her take supplies out of her bag.

"I'm Mina."

"Let me do it, Raccoon eyes," I grumbled sitting next to her, "You'll probably mess it up."

"I knew you have a soft spot," She teased moving back to give me space. I glared at her as I began cleaning the red haired boy's arm. He winced.  She pat my head, "This is Bakugou," I glared at her, "He doesn't bite."

"I'm Kaminari," Kaminari, Sero, and Jiro came closer and sat near the red haired boy.

"I'm Sero."


"I'm Kirishima," He grinned, then winced when I started wrapping his wound. I wondered where he came from, and whats his story behind being a half dragon? Was he cursed? Or was he born that way? If so, what was the deal with his parents?

"What are you doing in the forest by yourself?" Mina asked.

"There are lot of hunters who hunt people like me. So I'm just trying to stay away from them and out of trouble," He said. Even though he just shared a sad truth to a bunch of strangers, he still had a smile.

"Why don't you come with us?" Sero offered.

"Yeah!" Kaminari chimed in, "We could help keep you safe, and it'd be really cool to have a friend who can turn into a dragon!"

"Are you sure?" Kirishima asked hopefully.

"Yeah. It'd be pretty cool," Jiro added, "Bakugou?" I finished with his wound and began putting the medical supplies back in Mina's backpack.

"I don't care," I grumbled standing.

"Yay!" Mina, Kaminari, and Sero cheered. Kirishima grinned with his impossibly bright smile. I began walking again. I ignored them as they talked happily behind me. Jiro walked next to me, she wasn't as energetic as the others, which was part of the reason I tolerated her the most out of the four.

"Do you have an idea of where we're going?" Jiro asked.

"Same as usual," I grunted. She nodded.

A few hours passed and Kirishima got along with the others really well. Even though they just met, they had plenty of things to talk about. Eventually Kirishima trotted to keep up with me. Earlier Jiro started walking with the others so it was just him and I.

"I finally remembered where I've seen you before," Kirishima stated.


"I've seen you on wanted posters," He said, "What'd you do to get such a high price?"

"None of your business," I snapped.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Whatever town is closest," I said, "To stay out of trouble with the people who made the wanted posters." In the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me. I tried to walk faster to avoid him but he only copied my pace.

"Do you do this a lot?" He asked, almost sadly, "Travel from town to town?"

"Yeah. Why do you care?"

"Don't you miss having somewhere to go that you can call home? Somewhere you can always come back to in the end?" He asked, "I know miss my home I grew up in."

"No," I lied. I hadn't thought about that place in months. Why was some strange person I just met reminding me now? It made me angry. I snapped, "Just because your allowed to come with us, doesn't mean I want to talk to you. Leave me alone, shitty hair." I walked faster to get away from him, my blood boiling. This time he let me walk away.

As I stormed further from him I could hear the conversation he had with Kaminari.

"I think I made him mad," Kirishima said guiltily.

"He's angry all the time," Kaminari replied, "I'm sure he'll get over it.

I'm back with another Bnha fantasy au. Thank you for making through the first chapter and I hoped you enjoy it so far. I will update every Saturday so please stick around for that.

Also, please check out Test of Courage, my other Bnha fantasy fanfic. It manly centers around Tododeku with some Kiribaku in it too.

Have a good week. -K.K.

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