Chapter 26

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I don't know how to describe it, one minute I was helping him make a said for dinner the next he was talking about proposing. I was actually very happy. I would have a step-sibling. A very nice one, I must add. Also, I would get to dance with my boyfriend at the wedding. I am loving life at the moment, it is amazing! My dad is finally normal and I must admit Evelyn makes an excellent mother. I don't work anymore either. Dad said that I didn't have to work. I trusted him now, mostly.

A few other things have changed. Martin and I are practically best friends again and Dean moved to my school due to some wrongly made assumptions at his old one. Martin tried to help him with everything but they didn't believe either of them. I told Martin he was now allowed to move to the school with Dean, but he refused because the school year had less than half to go and he thought why not graduate at the school he was at.

Ezra helps me deal with all the bullying which isn't happening as much anymore because I think Flynn is scared shitless of him and Dean but I still can't help but feel something is going on with him. Maybe it's just me but whatever, who fucking cares!?

Ezra was also getting to know my dad more as well. It had been about a month since they had met. Ezra was perfect. I felt bad for lying to him earlier today about my dad but technically it doesn't matter. He's a changed man. Everything is good. Great!


"We are so close to the end of the year. One more term." Ezra commented.

"I know. We got our acceptance letters. You got into all of them, right?" I asked.

He nodded. That was good, so did I. Now all we had to do was both go to the same one and we would be good, nothing would stop us. Actually I think Dean and Martin were both in on it as well. As long as Dean didn't have to go to the same one as Astrid, he was happy. Astrid had broken up with him due to the wrong accusation at his old school. He got over it surprisingly quickly.

"I love you, Ezra." I confessed.

Those words rolled off of my tongue so easily now. Yet they never lost their meaning no matter how many times I said it. I rolled over to see him looking at me.

"I love you to Cart," he whispered.

He cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"You are perfect."

"I thought perfect people didn't exist in your books?" I challenged.

"You are my one exception. You always will be."

He kissed me and I kissed back.

This guy, I believe is my soulmate. What would I have done without him? He brought me back to life and has helped me even though I haven't been 100% honest with him. I want to be honest with him now. I want him to be my future. My everything. My perfect and I wanted to be his.


I woke up, it was the second day of holidays before the last term. The plans were to go to the beach but I don't know if everyone was still up for it. I pulled out my phone and texted the group.

Me: Hey guys, you all still up for the beach?

Ezra: Yup!

Martin: I'll be there

Dean: Yep!

Martin: I don't know why I still can't get over the fact that you guys live in the same house yet both text like you don't know each other!?

Ezra: I agree, honestly.

Dean: Why is it so weird?

Me: Probably because we literally are across the hall from each other?

Dean: Probably.

Me: Anyway, I'll see you guys at the beach.

Ezra: Ruby, Brodie and Noah all seem keen to come as well!

Me: Cool

Martin: Alright see you guys there

Dean: Ok

I closed my phone and yelled out to Dean asking what time we had to be at the beach by.

"10!" He responded.

It was already 9! We had to get the fuck up if we actually wanted to make it close to getting at the beach at 10.

I came out of my room with a shirt and shorts on, carrying a bag of a few essentials. Dean looks the same except he was wearing his shirt without the buttons done up.

"So I think tomorrow Mum wants to have the whole college celebration." Dean sighed.

"She really does like celebrations," I laughed.

Dean nodded as he pulled out of the driveway.

"So where do you want to go?" He asked.

"I don't know, where do you?" I retorted.

"I asked first."

"Say it at the same time?" I offered.

"Ok, one." He counted.

"Two," I continued.

We both said three.

"Princeton," we chimed together.

"Well that's good," he chuckled.

I laughed in agreement. It really was good.

"Ezra wants to go to Princeton as well and I am nearly 99% sure that Martin does as well." I told him.

"It's settled then. We are going to Princeton!" He declared.

We continued talking about random shit until we made it to the beach. I could already see Ezra standing shirtless on the beach. Boy did he look good. I rushed out the car and ran up to Ezra, kissing him almost as if I would die if I didn't. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

The kiss quickly ended and that's when I saw everyone looking at us with wiggling eye-brows. We rolled our eyes at them. Even kissing makes them go crazy. Weird ass people.

"Who wants to go swimming?" Martin broke the silence.

We all said yes to going swimming. It was very hot today so I could really go for a swim. I pulled of my shirt and stepped out of my shorts. Instantly, I felt people's eyes on me. It made me feel uncomfortable being looked at. It made me really self-conscious of my weight and how I looked.

"Dude!" Martin exclaimed.

"You are skinny as fuck, have you been eating!?" Martin looked very concerned.

I felt my body heat up from embarrassment and awkwardness. I was about to say something when I was cut off.

"Carter. You don't eat anything at home, you barely touch your food at dinner or lunch and you don't eat breakfast," I looked to Dean who also looked genuinely upset.

The looks on everyone's faces made me feel disgraced. I hated making other people feel upset or annoyed, or concerned, especially about me because there really is no need to feel any concern for me. I am perfectly well. my life is looking up.

"Babe, you need to start eating," Ezra spoke.

I gulped to myself.

"Ok, I promise I will, I just don't really feel hungry," I tried to reason.

It was true though. I was so used to not eating, it came so naturally to ignore the feeling of hunger. Almost like it just wasn't a thing in me anymore.

"You said that last time," Martin said cautiously.

I knew why. I usually snapped or got really pissed of at him for pointing these sort of things out or pushing me.

"I know. I will work on it, but it may take a while," I took a sharp breath in.

I guess I did have to try.

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