Chapter 3

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Pic of  Flynn


"You know no one is perfect right? So stop trying to be it."

I glanced up and scowled at him. I probably know more than anyone that no one is perfect. I certainly am not.

"What is that supposed to mean!" I felt myself getting defensive, but I did not care.

I was so sick of him thinking that he knows me, that he know what my life is like. He keeps bugging me and trying to be friends. Like take a fucking hint!

"I meaning 89% is nothing to be damn upset about! You are really smart Carter and the fact you don't see that is just driving me insane! No I take that back, you are driving me insane."

I looked at him astonished.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

I was more surprised than annoyed now. H-he...

"I have been trying to be friends with you for over a year now, and you shoot me down every time," his sad expression made me want to feel remorseful.

We sat in silence for a near 5 minutes.

"Why?" He said.

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you dismiss, you don't even know me. I mean yes, I can be an ass but every can. Just give me a chance." He pleaded.

Something in me believed that I could trust me. I ignored the voices for once in my life and chose to do something for me.

"Ok," the words slipped from my mouth.

He looked at me, his eyes filled with hope, it looked like he was going to explode.

"I will give you a chance," I added on, then the realisation hit me.

I was going to be letting someone into my life. This could be one of the biggest mistakes I could ever make, or it could be a miracle. Now what I was going to do to keep my own secrets, that was something I guess I would have to figure out along the way. For now lets just see how this goes.


I was walking passed the booze store when I figured that maybe I should get him some beer. Hopefully it might reduce my chances of him hitting me. Are you a fool? Getting him more drunk than he already is will just make him more aggressive. Maybe I ignored the thoughts before, but maybe I should listen now.

I entered the house, it was oddly quiet. I looked on the couch, he wasn't on it passed out. Where was he? My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Unknown: Hey

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Oh ahaha, it's Ezra

Me: I never gave you my number

Ezra: You left your phone on so I snuck your number. Sorry.

Me: It's fine. I need to go, but I'll text you later

It was probably a lie, most likely I would not text him later, but I guess we would see. I couldn't worry about him right now, I had to go to work.


I dragged myself upstairs into my bedroom. I turned my light on, only to remember it didn't work. I got a candle burning and then I looked back at myself in the mirror. A bruise was forming around my eye and I had belt marks on my wrists. Amazing. I looked back at my figure. "You could lose a few pounds and work out more". Flynn's words rung in my head. He was probably right. I thought back to what I had eaten today. Then it hit me, I haven't eaten anything but an apple in the last 4 days, an apple and water.

Perfect people don't existOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora