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I can't feel my legs and arms,my mouth is tied and my eyes are shut

I finally started to wake up,raising my head a bit. My mouth was taped and my vision was blocked. I can't see where I am

What happened?

My head was throbing and all past memories in my head were erased. I moved my head left and right, trying to get myself free. At least to move this thing off my eyes

I grumbled against tape,rocking myself on the chair. Rain was heard falling from somewhere behind me,I was somewhere in basement.

Moment later,door was heard opening and closing. Someone walked up to me but didn't do anything

I trashed around,trying to get myself free. Where the hell I were,I don't know either,but I needed to go out.

Even though I knew that's not possible

"Stop moving"raspy voice told me

I looked up,where his voice was coming from. I don't know who he is,but I need to go out


My heart skipped a beat when I felt cold metal of gun on my forehead. Goosebumps formed all over my body, this wasn't guy to joke with

I gulped,moving my hands behind. Circulation was leaving my arms and I felt tingles


My legs scrapped floor, it was cemented. No floorings,just plain cement. That's second thing I could find out

"What did I say?"

"I can't feel my limbs"I mumbled,but it was barely heard

"You're annoying. Shut up"

"You're annoying too. Where am I?"

He walked away and door closed

Great..I'm alone now

I looked left and right,bobbed my head up and down, trying to get rid of this tape,but it seemed like it's taped with superglue

My teeth bit into it,my lips trying to spread open and even with all my effort,I couldn't do it.

I furrowed my eyebrows up and down,squinted my eyes,trying to at least get this cloth off my eyes and I succeeded...a millimeter. Nothing more than that wasn't coming down

Knot behind my head was tightened hard.


Rubbing my ankles against the legs of the chair did nothing. I didn't move an inch far. But I didn't give up,I rubbed and rubbed my ankles as hard as I could

Finally,I heard tape slowly letting go and I could break it

Or so I thought

I lulled back and chair swinged hard,sending me on floor behind

Shit,that hurts

My back hurt from impact of fall. I rolled hard on the side,bringing hard chair on my back with me

Door opened again and some guy lifted me up,like my weight didn't matter "What did I tell you?"

"You told me to shut up but I couldn't-"

𝗔𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 -𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖲𝖺𝗇-Where stories live. Discover now