The Devil's Dance

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Music: Devil's Dance Floor - Flogging Molly 

## 2nd rewrite ##

'But nothin' ever came, From a life that was a simple one
So pull yourself together girl, And have a little fun'

                                Flogging Molly, Devil's Dance Floor

*** ***

Standing by myself in the coffee shop dining room, I took a shaky breath. The room felt so empty now. That man's presence had been so big, so intense.

Sighing, I pulled out the money Sexy Suit had put into my pocket. Looking down as I unfolded it, I felt my eyes widen as twin Benjamin Franklins gazed up at me. I was speechless, $200 would be excessive even if his service had been excellent and given what had happened with his drink...

Who in their right mind would give a tip like that? We basically wasted a quarter hour of his time and he left without even getting what he came for...

It must be a mistake. He probably meant to hand me a couple of ones out of pity and would be in for a surprise when he realized. I wasn't sure what to do, I could use the money but it felt dishonest. If I hurried I might be able to catch up with him and return it. I stood there for a moment staring at the bills in my hand.

"Dee, Travis is talking some crazy story that you pulled a knife on him?" Carol walked in from the back. She was chuckling to herself, apparently she hadn't believed him.

"Sorry, Carol, I'll be right back!"

I pulled my apron off, tossed it under the counter and ran out the door. The coffee shop opened onto the corner of an intersection. Pivoting in a 360, I scanned the pavements for for the mans large suited body. Down the side street I spotted him walking next to the row of parked cars.

I shouted to him but I didn't know his name. He was probably to far to hear anyway. I trotted after him, using my hands to keep my cotton skirt from flipping up. I called out to him again. He heard this time, coming to a stop next to an alleyway. Turning around, his lips curled into a half smirk.



"Te llamo luego." He pulled a blue tooth from his ear and stood there gazing down at me.


"Mamita, I'm flattered that you want me so badly that you'd chase me down, but sadly, I'm in a hurry." His tone was solicitous.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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