The Devil's Luck

37 3 6

Song – Tus Ojos - Ozomatli

## 2nd rewrite ##

'Viendo tus ojo puedo descifrar el universo'

'Looking into your eyes I can decode the universe'

                                                -Ozomatli, Tus Ojos

*** ***

"DeeDee, Take care of table seven, please."

I glanced over at my boss, Carol Lyons, she had a clip board in her hand, meaning she was about to take inventory. "Sure thing, Mrs. Lyons," I smiled, tucking a loose strand of black hair behind my ear.

"I told you never to call me that." She narrowed her eyes, but couldn't hide the smile playing at corners or her lips.

I just giggled as I walked around the counter. Carol had only returned from her honeymoon two weeks ago and couldn't hide the fact that she loved being Mrs. Lyons. She owned the 'Coffee Pot,' where I have worked for the last eight months, since moving to Miami.

Carol had been a God send when I first arrived, alone, with no job and only enough money to last a week at best. I had gone in for the free wi-fi, and was searching for a cheap place to crash.

It had been lunch time, the place was packed, and Carol's waitress walked out on her. I talked her into hiring me on the spot, and later when she found out I had no where to go and no family or friends nearby, took me home with her. She had even paid the security deposit on my apartment.

The lunch rush was over, one couple sat at a table near the window, chatting quietly. The man at table seven had walked in while I was helping a guest at the counter, so I hadn't really paid much attention, only taking in that he was tall, wearing a dark business suit. He was seated at the table with his back to the wall facing the front door, looking down at something in his hand.

As I walked closer, I could tell the man was build like a rock. You could see the impression of solid muscle underneath the expensive looking fabric of his suit.

I wonder what he looks like without it on.

I shook my head a little, I needed to find a boyfriend if I was having thoughts like that about complete strangers. Besides big and beefy was not my type. If the guy spends that much time in the gym, he must be compensating for something.

He continued to stare at down at what I could now see was a tablet as I came up to his table.

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