Chapter 7. Tag, your it.

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note at bottom<3

We had lined up like we were told; I had noticed the smaller-sized portion of food unlike the night before. Maybe they want people to get angry? Movies and stories come in handy for creativity.

They were giving out a pastry of sorts with a bottle of milk. Ah, my poor, poor bowls. Dal always made fun of me, saying I had the weakest gene. Daddy would always punish him for making me cry, but Dal never really mind. Not because he wanted to be mean, but because he wanted to show me others can be meaner. We kid about it now, and I hope I never have to say 'use to'.

I said my "Thank you" and moved out, the people behind wanting to bulldoze me already. Ari and I sat on my bunk bed, the highest, of course. I gave her half of my pastry cookie thing and my milk.
"You sure?"
"Oh yeah, I can't drink milk and I can't really eat a lot. I'm so used to smaller portions," she looked at me worriedly, "Oh no it's fine really, eat up!"
She continued to stare at me cautiously eating.

"Attention, the second game will begin shortly, please follow staff instructions."

As per usual, we were pushed into a line and led through the maze of weirdness. Although I had been there a few times, I had made a mental maze of where the previous rooms were. It was a trick Dal forced me to learn, he was too scared of someone kidnapping me or something. He would make me close my eyes and memories where I would go with turns and such. It was fun only sometimes.

The door in front slid open to reveal a large room with an oversized jungle gym. The room was coloured a light blue with darker blue clouds. It reminded me of the drawings we would draw in school.
My instant thought went right to tag.
'Oh no, is it Tag? I'm really bad at that, please don't be Tag.' I could only hope.

Everyone took their time inspecting the room, trying to guess what the choice of the game could be.

"Players, welcome to the second game, we will begin shortly" I seemed to have calmed down a lot since the first game. The intense hyper feeling no longer hurt my insides, the only thing that hurt was my ankle. I could walk fine but it hurt a lot.
"Please choose a shape and stand in front of it immediately"
A shape? Did they mean the circle, triangle, star, and umbrella?
I looked over the shapes, it could mean anything. Something we have to form or find. The Triangles caught my attention, in school I was taught that a triangle was the most sturdy shape. It should be safe.
"You don't mind me following you do you?"

"Hey Ari, and no I don't" I gave her a side hug as she stepped into line behind me. Other players had difficulty choosing but in the end, they got there.

"Your time to choose has ended, I shall now explain the rules of the next game."

Doors behind the shapes opened with a heavy thud. Inside was tables of small tins, contents still unknown.

"Players, please take one case each at the front of the line" I forced a yawn back as the line moved a bit slower than I had liked.

"Let me repeat."
"Oh god no, does that ever get annoying" I questioned a staff member standing next to me, although no verbal response, I saw a slight movement in their shoulders suggesting it was a silent laugh. I grabbed my tin with my thanks and left to find a spot to sit. For some reason I thought it best to climb onto the oversized monkey bars, everyone had taken to the floor or the swing anyway. Ari say underneath which was cute from up here.

When I opened my tin, I saw a honeycomb circle with a needle inside. It had a stamped triangle in the middle.
"The next game is, sugar honeycomb, the shape you have chosen is the shape you must remove from the honeycomb."

This shouldn't be too hard.

"Your time limit is 10 minutes, you will pass if you trim out the shape without it breaking or cracking within the time limit" A lot of people seemed to hate this challenge. They rolled their heads, sighed and some looked defeated.
"With that let the game begin."
I had an idea but I needed to ask first.
I saw pinky walking just a little bit in front of me, checking over the shoulders of the players.

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