Chapter 24. Short but Lovely.

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I do not know when he took his mask off, but I was face to face with him. I couldn't tell if it was my eyes or his, but they seemed glossy. They held so much emotion, and yet he was supposed to be emotionless.

His forehead leaned against my own, his nose rested against mine, and our breaths slowly synced up.
For once when I asked, time stopped. That or I'm slightly panicking. I watched as he took a deep breath, getting ready to speak. My ears were slightly ringing and my chest was tight. Mostly from my emotional state, but being this close to an attractive guy would affect you as well!!

"It's okay. I need you to trust me." It was obvious that he didn't know what to say, neither did I, but the way he stroked my hair was all the comfort I needed at the moment. Maybe a therapist as well, but that might happen later. I pulled myself into a tight hug, his arms squeezing the perfect squoze. I could fall asleep if he held me this way for long.

"I'm sorry. " a solid lump was in my throat. It hurt to speak, but I tried, anyway. He pulled away just enough so his hand could hold my puffy cheek.

"No, Don't apologize. I'm the one in the wrong. Please if you need anything like this again let me know." 

His thumb glazed over my skin before pulling away fully. To speed through what happened he put me to bed with a glass of water, kissed my forehead, and left. I don't know if I should feel like it was both romantic and respecting my space but I kind of wanted him to stay. 

It didn't take too long for me to pass out. I had a dream of zombies chasing me down a dirt road right next to a river. How that relates to anything I have no idea but when I woke up, my eyes felt like they were pulling down. its the worst feeling but I still had to get up and ready for whatever was to come in the day. 


Ok, I know this is such a short chapter like 658 words short and I am severely late on posting but the motivation has been so low. due to the lack of practice, this may be a little shotty. if anyone can, can you please give me a suggestion as to what to write next, I'm kinda losing the original picture I had, haha. I know what I want to do for the ending, which isn't for a few chapters if it all goes smoothly. thanks for staying with me and waiting so patiently please forgive the possible cringe and help a duck out will ya?💛💛💛

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