Chapter Eleven

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"Get out of my house Trender!"

"Brother, be reasonable now."

"And take this garbage with you!"

"GARBAGE?! I'll have you know that these clothes are of THE highest quality! I swear Slender, sometimes you are just so damn hopeless!"

I stood at the back of the room, leaning against the wall, and shaking with silent laughter. The Slender man and Trender man faced off in the middle of the living room, each with their slithering appendages swirling angrily behind them. Trendy clutched a shopping bag in his right hand.

"Just put them on!" Trendy yelled shoving the bag towards Slendy.

Slendy snarled, "NO!"

"Slender!" Trendy growled in warning.

"I will NOT look like a damn HIPSTER!" He knocked the bag away from him, and the action sent it crashing to the floor. A pair of skinny jeans, a scarf, stripped t-shirt, and fedora spilled out of the bag.

I couldn't keep my laughter silent any longer. I nearly fell to the floor I was laughing so hard. Tears streamed down my face and I was gasping for breath. I loved Slendy, but man, this was TOO priceless!

"Oh! Can I wear the hat since Slendy doesn't want it?" Splendy squealed when he saw the contents.

"Stay out of this!" his brothers snapped at him in unison and Splendy shrunk back, pouting a little.

I laughed even harder.

Slendy turned on me, "Oh yes, laugh it up Sky! YOU were a part of this too!"

I WAS on the floor now, and laughing so hard that I didn't have enough breath left to reply.

"What happened to you liking my suit?" he demanded.

"Love... The suit," I gasped. "But... I think... You would... Look great... In jeans too."

Slendy growled menacingly. "Over my dead body!"

"That can be arranged!" Trendy promised with a snarl. And then they were at each other's throats, rolling around on my apartment floor, tentacles thrashing this way and that like a disturbed nest of snakes.

Splendor came over and sat next to me on the floor, shaking his head slowly as his brothers wrestled and shot mumbled oaths and swears at each other. "You're a little trouble maker Sky," he accused.

I shrugged, finally starting to get my laughter under control. "I blame the hormones."

Splendy snickered. "Yeah, sure," he said.

I looked up at him, feigning innocence. "You don't believe me?" I pouted, but I couldn't keep the humor out of my eyes.

He just rolled his eyes and smiled, but didn't reply. We both jerked our heads back towards the fight suddenly as a loud ripping noise sounded from the middle of the fray.

"MY SWEATER!" Trendy roared. He grabbed Slendy with his tentacles and threw him away from him. Slendy landed against the back wall with a thud, but before I had the chance to worry he was on his feet again. He took one second to appraise his brother standing their, furiously fingering the long frayed rip in his sweater vest that spread from the seam at his armpit to his navel, and then busted out laughing.

"Serves you right! Now YOU can wear that stupid t-shirt!" Slendy mocked.

"You ripped my sweater you bitch!" Trendy's voice was about three octaves higher than normal in his outrage.

"It looks better like that anyway," he snickered.

"Fuck you!"

"Right back at you brother!"

"Hey! Hey! That's enough you two!" Splendy cut in.

I got up of the floor - with a little more difficulty than I wold have a few months ago - and walked over to the fuming Trendy to inspect the gash. "I could probably sew it up if you like," I offered.

He hunched his shoulders and gritted his teeth. "No, it's fine," he said gloomily. "I'll just buy a new one." And with one last glare directed towards the youngest slender brother, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, no doubt to go sulk somewhere and mourn over his deceased article of clothing.

I swear, I felt like a mom already dealing with these brothers. 'God I hope I don't have a boy,' I thought. 'Or worse, triplets.' Inwardly I shuddered and turned to walk into the kitchen, giving Slendy a quick kiss on the cheek as I walked by him. "I'm gonna go start dinner," I told him.

He smiled, his mood already flipped. He was so mercurial sometimes. "Let me know if you need any help."

I smiled back. "Yes dear."

As I left the room, behind me I heard Splendor ask, "Sooo... If you don't want that hat...?"

The Slender man growled.

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