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My feet ache as I tumble through the rose bushes after Tamlin. He swipes the vines away with his claws, his body taut, and lets out a curse between slashes. He stops and looks up at Rosehall, propped atop a small hill, beautiful and derelict in the morning light. Shaking his head, Tamlin makes his way up the path.

"Listen to me Persephone, " he snarls as he stalks toward his home, "Do not look at him. Do not talk to him. Stay silent and stay behind me,"

I freeze and grip Tamlin's arm, "Will he be able to smell the mating bond?" I whisper and fear takes a hold of me, making my aching fists shake.

Tamlin looks down at me. His green eyes soften. "Perhaps," he says and then pauses, "But, we haven't accepted the bond that comes with it. If we're lucky, it will not be as strong as usual."

And then he's off again, lunging up the hill, long claws at his sides. Fear takes a hold of me and my heart pounds in my ears.

What will he do to me? Hybern is sworn to do no harm to Tamlin, but I have made no such bargain. Will being Tamlins mate ensure my safety? Or will the King sense our bond, the weakness of it, and realise we are nothing close to loving, doting mates.

My body shakes and I stumble after Tamlin. We reach Rosehall and I immediately sense a shift in the air. The smell of sweet roses is gone, replaced by something metallic. I wince. It is blood. I know Tamlin smells it too because his claws lengthen and he snarls, "He's here."

Tamlin stalks up the stairs of his home and shoves the doors open. I follow, uncertain and shaking. I step inside and wish to the cauldron that I hadn't.

Because in the middle of the foyer stands the King of Hybern.

He is smirking. I do not understand why until I look down.

At his feet, is a body, torn into shreds. Blood coats the foyer floor.

And I recognise the clothing of the fae. It is a worker from the rose gardens. Bile rises back into my mouth. I force myself to look up before I faint.

Next to the King stands two fae, young in appearance but ancient history in their dark eyes. They grin at me, flashing sharp and bloodied teeth.

"Hello, sweet thing," one of the monsters whispers.

Before I can run, Tamlin grips me and pushes me behind him.

He snarls, "You're early,"

The King of Hybern merely shrugs. "I heard the good news and I thought to congratulate you with a visit,"

He takes a step forward and the click of his heels is like the snap of bones. His dark eyes settle on me, tucked safely into Tamlin's side, "And what a pretty, young mate she is," The King taunts.

Tamlin lets out a snarl so loud, that I shudder. The King of Hybern laughs as if he is pleased with the High Lord's show of possession. As if he thinks it foolish. In response, Tamlin draws me closer.

"What do you need?" Tamlin growls, "As agreed, the wall is down. Your armies are housed and well-fed. Why have you come here?"

The King settles his foreboding gaze on Tamlin, "I need your assistance in battle. By the next new moon, my army will attack Adriata. I need you to guide them into the Summer Court,"

Tamlin shakes his head, "To do so would be to rage war against all the High Lords. I can do no such thing,"

The King smiles, his long fingers tap against the cane he grips, "You will lead them to the border of the Summer Court. If you do not - " He taps on his cane once more and within a blink of my eyes, one of the dark fae's has gripped me. In a flash of darkness, we winnow back beside the King, who grips me by the neck and thrusts my head upward. My eyes meet Tamlins.

He straightens, his claws so long they touch the marble of the foyer, and his face stiffens. I twist in the King's grip but he squeezes harder. I cry out and Tamlin takes a step forward.

"If you do not have my army at the Summer Court border by the new moon, it will be your mate who shall reap the consequences of your stupidity," The King of Hybern roars, his tone a warning to the High Lord.

Tamlin's shoulders drop and he breathes in a sharp breath. His claws retract into his clenched fists, "I will lead them to the border but my infidelity ends there. I will not fight any battle for you, "

The King holds my neck tighter and I scream as my vision becomes blurry. The King bends down and runs his face through my hair. I thrust in his grasp, but he only grips me tighter.

"You will do what I ask Tamlin." The King murmurs, breathing in deeply as his lips brush against my neck. "Do not forget that you owe me a life, for the lives your darling Feyre took only mere weeks ago, " The King straightens and tilts his head, "Or have you been so lovesick that you've forgotten we're still in a war?"

Tamlin snarls, deep and loud, "I have not forgotten," he spits out.

The King smirks, "Good, " he chuckles and then thrusts me forward. I land on my knees and scramble toward Tamlin. He snarls at the King as I wrap a hand around his ankle and choke back a sob.

Through my tears, I glare at the King. Above me, Tamlin growls, "Leave. I will do what you have asked,"

"A pleasure, as always Tamlin," the King murmurs before his wicked eyes settle on me, whimpering at the High Lord's feet. "I'm sure we'll meet again, sweet Persephone."

And then he and his two fae disappear in a swirl of black. I stumble away from Tamlin, vomit up my breakfast, and fall to the floor. Pain thumps through my head and my world goes dark.

A Court of Curse and Roses; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now