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"It's about time you were fired," 

"We knew he would tire of you," 

"It's not your fault that you're so dull-looking," 

"At least he gave you one final payment. Was it for the cleaning or for the cheap, lousy sex?" 

I fold my apron as my cheeks burn bright red. Placing it on the kitchen countertop, I shoot a glare at Taryn and Donna as I pocket the final payment that Cassian left for me. They stand by the back door with their arms crossed and their faces dripping in smugness. 

"Well done, you've both finally got what you've always wanted," I say as I move out of the back door, "Now, can you please let me leave?" 

Taryn scoffs down at me, "I hope you realize what you were to him. Simply another whore. Ugly and cheap," 

Donna chortles as she looks from her friend to me, "We knew you wouldn't last long. You've never lasted long anywhere, have you? You're just an orphan. And you always will be. Because nobody loves you," 

My eyes begin to water as my cheeks inflame redder. My hands clench as I try to shove my way through them to the back door. Taryn grabs my shoulder and shoves me. I topple to the ground as the tears spring free. 

"Oh look, Donna, she's crying now," 

"She's crying because she knows we're right." 

They clutch their stomachs as they double over with laughter. I stumble to my feet and shove my way out of the back door. 

The morning sun is bright on my face as I rush outside. I hurry away from the townhouse, trying not to glance back as I descend the hill toward town. My body aches from Cassian's assault last night and it hurts almost as much as the striking pain in my chest.

Because Taryn and Donna are right. Cassian was the one person who I thought loved me. And he doesn't. 

Why did he bother to save my life, come to my bed for a decade, if he hated me the entire time? 

"I know you love me."

Cassian's voice taunts me as I walk. But despite it all, all the pain, he is right. I love him. I have loved him since I first laid eyes on him. And now I am banished from seeing him. The only person I have ever loved wants nothing to do with me.

My stomach grumbles. I can not remember when I last ate. I pass by Rita's and decide that I need to eat.

I enter the boisterous, murky bar and lean up against the counter.

"Soup please," I say but as my mind travels back to Cassian, I quickly add, "And a beer as well,"

"Two coins for that," says the big, burly woman at the counter.

I slide the coins over the bench, "You can keep the change,"

Rita slides over the soup and beer. I grab it eagerly.

Rita smiles, wiping her large hands on a rag, she says, "Slow down girly, it's not going anywhere,"

I swallow a mouthful of the warm soup, the spiced pumpkin fills my mouth. The warmth makes my cold, broken body feel alive again.

I muster a smile at Rita as I say, "It's delicious,"

Rita shoots me a doubtful look. "Go eat your soup before I feed you a rat and we'll see what pleasantries you'd have to say then,"

I find a seat in the corner of the bar. Each booth is full of drunken fae sloshing their drinks and so I slip into the end table. I am shielded from the spilling beer by an empty, reserved booth behind me.

A Court of Curse and Roses; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now