unspoken words

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Bree was lying on her bed at 7 PM. She was exhausted and worried. 


"Would I forgive myself?" Bree said to herself. 

"Yes?" a voice said from Bree's bedroom door. It was her younger sister, Alice. "Honestly I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't confess earlier to- never mind it's just 'young school drama' as you said." 

She said this all very quickly. Bree just stared.

Alice Campbell was the second oldest to Bree being 12 years old. She had long blonde hair which was longer than any of her other sisters. Buck-toothed like her dad, she was still very pretty as she had her mother's brown eyes and had freckles all over her nose. 

Bree smiled. Although her sisters were mostly 'brats' she still couldn't survive a day without seeing them. They were silly and know how to cheer Bree up every time. Even if the sisters didn't mean to. 

"Well I could use some help," Bree said without thinking and froze up. 

"With what?" Alice said entering Bree's room. "Because if I hear one other plot hole in your novels and need my help solving them, I might just jump out the window." 

Alice started fixing her hair, braiding it as she sat in Bree's bed. "Or is it about love-?" 

Bree sighed. She had somehow just remembered she was called the 'Aphrodite' of the class. Great. Just great. 

"Well honestly, I don't know what love feels like," Bree said shrugging. "And besides, I have school to finish and-" 

"Someone likes you," Alice figured out. The sister doesn't know much about solving normal problems; but with love, she can figure out the solution as fast as lightning. 

"How do you know?" Bree demanded. All she wanted to know now was how her sister knows everything going around in a fifty-mile radius, related to love of course. "I didn't even tell you. Its just me and a couple of friends knows that this guy- he likes me." 

"From what I know, you always assume. Your friend said he might only like you," Alice said matter of factly. "But what you're stressing about right now is thinking whether you're good enough for him." 

"WHAT!" Bree shouted in surprise. 

"Back to the case, what do you feel whenever you're around the guy?" Alice asked. "Maybe we can even jump into the conclusion that you guys like each other," she added with a wink. 

"WHAT NO!" Bree exclaimed but remained calm once again. She had never risen up her voice before and therefore was her first time. Raising up one's voice for a guy? Sounds suspicious already...

Alice crossed her arms. "You do know I asked you something." 

"Right- well yea, I mean, I would feel just the same though with a small tingling in my stomach." 

"Butterflies," Alice concluded. "Sounds like butterfly-itis." 

Butterfly-itis? Bree thought. Ok, this is going to far. I shouldn't have trusted her with this business....

"Is that all then?" Bree said still trying to play along her sister's game. "D'you now think with your oh-so-large brain that he likes me?" 

"Do you stutter a lot around him?" Alice asked ignoring Bree's question. 

"Well, sometimes." 

"Do you feel a rush of happiness around him?" 

"Yeah, I guess so." 

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