the book huggers

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If Bree was asked to describe school life then, she would reply "repetitive" as her answer. Being a seventh grader alone was already hard enough. But being Mrs. York's TA and being part of the writing club, she didn't even have time to read novels for fun anymore. The only thing that can help her escape from reality. 

Bree's pace quickened as she ended up in the school library again. The fifth time that day. She had to borrow some books that her teacher needed and she quickly went to do so before heading off to lunch with her friends. Repetition at it's finest. 

Checking her list, she didn't even need the library catalogue for her to find the books she needed. Her feet just dragged her to the place she needed to go out of pure habit. Bree really needed to take a break. She was highly adventurous and unlike others, easily got frustrated about repetitive way she lived her life. 

Without any warning, she was in the English/Literature section already. She would've bumped into a bookshelf if she hadn't looked up from reading her list a second earlier. Quickly, she scanned the books she needed. A group of people where making noise in a table nearby. They were talking as if they were detectives of some sort. Hushed though weirdly, still loud enough for Bree to hear. Without meaning to, she listened to their conversation. "Eavesdropping" was something Bree didn't quite like though it was helpful sometimes.  Like overhearing a surprise party for Bree when she was seven. 

"...she's hugging those books again?" a girl said. 

"I know right.. very childish for a brainy kid like her," another girl replied. 

"Is she really worth it to er, find out more about her?" a third girl asked. 

Bree recognized those voices and she knew who they were talking about. Though she didn't dare to take a glance at them, she still listened intently at their conversation of the Book Club. 

"It is more worth it than being the president of the United States or something," Mindy said to the group. "We need to find out more of this... because I just know it has something to do with their two week disappearance last year." 

"Well I guess you got a point," Cindy replied. "Though I don't think we should be poking around an actual life that a person has." 

There was a short pause when no one spoke. Bree hopefully assumed that the rest of the group were nodding in agreement to Cindy's statement. She was still intently scanning for the book she needed though was more occupied on listening. 

"Well, look at us! We've read every single book in this library practically a dozen times each! We need a new hobby to keep us .. well, sane," Mindy said finally. 

Bree couldn't hold back the thoughts in her head. A loud thud was heard from across the library as she dropped the five or so books she was carrying and walked over to the girls' table while trying to keep a calm face and temper. 

"Excuse me, hi," Bree said waving towards the group. Four girls stared back at her while trying to look like they were totally not talking back to one of Bree's close friends. 

"Well erm, hi." Cindy was  the first to speak as she fidgeted with the pages of a book she was holding. 

"Uhm.." Bree's voice faltered. She wasn't sure what to say. She usually failed to dodge the different ideas and thoughts that came out of the girls' mouths. They were a load of conspiracy theories and such. That definitely was allowed talking about. But talking about someone behind their backs- 

"Well, I just.. happen to hear your conversation about Alex and would like to know what's this uh waffle all about?" 

The girls froze all except for Cindy who until now, still fiddled with the pages of a novel. "Well... I- we just talked about what happened with the Bailey twins.. as you might know by now." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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