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"Morning Bree"

"Morning Katie," Bree said exhaustedly. She decided to meet up with her friend, Katie, at the park for an early morning walk. 

Katie Andrew was Bree's best friend since second grade. She was thin but not in the "starvation" kind of thin. She also had beautiful brown eyes and knobbly knees. Just like Bree, she also had a knitted sort of clothing that defined her. For Bree of course, it was her purple beanie but for Katie, it was a pink cardigan. 

"Do you want to go out with me and some other of my friends later at the mall?" Katie asked tucking her sleek black hair behind her ear. "Oh wait, Matt just texted that we aren't going to the mall, it seems like we're having a picnic instead," Katie added as she had just checked her phone.

"Who's coming?" Bree asked eagerly. She did have plans later after this walk with Katie with someone else, but she couldn't resist asking who was going to the picnic later. 

"Oh, the usual. Amanda, Matt, Percy, Percy Walters y'know? Percy asked Alex Bailey too. But I'm not so sure if she could come ."

"Anyone else?" Bree asked. 

"Oh, yea... Conner Bailey too. The twin brother of Alex." 

Bree tried to put on a normal look, but she couldn't remember what "normal" looked like.

"You seem a bit red in the face," Katie observed, smiling. 

"What do you mean?" Bree asked looking incredulous. 

"Do you like him? Any feelings at all?" Katie teased.

"What do you mean? Who do you mean?" Bree asked again trying to look oblivious this time.

"That Conner guy- the dude who's always with Percy and Matt."  

"Absolutely not," Bree snapped right away in her defense, but it dawned on her. Does she like Conner? 

"Enough of me," Bree said brushing off the topic of Conner. "How about you and Matt?" 

"Shut up."  


"Hi mom," Conner said as he just got off his bed. It was a fine Saturday morning and he had slept in. "Hi... wait, Bob, why are you here?" 

"I just stopped by to visit your mom," Bob said truthfully. "Oh- I also bought this for you." 

Bob handed Conner a rectangular box. Conner did a double-take when he saw what it was. 

It was a new phone. 

"Bob, I- what?" Conner said rubbing his eyes. "Thank you so much!" 

"No problem." 

"But why did you give me a-?" 

"I also bought a phone for your sister. Your mother and I thought it was best for you to have phones to call your friends and of course for your emergencies." 

"Why do you have to make decisions for us-?" 

"I should really be going. See you soon Conner!" 

Bob left the front door. 

Conner smiled and skipped back to his bedroom (and forgetting to eat breakfast) to test out this new phone of his. 


There was a ringing of the apartment's doorbell. Alex poked her head outside the door to see who it was. 

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