Who're you?

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Saturday, Sep 11, 1:42 PM 

{insert number here} has saved {insert number here} as Bree :D

{insert number here}: Hi

Bree: Um- Who're you? 

{insert number here}: its me silly. hercules bailey. 

Bree: bailey? as in conner bailey?

{insert number here}: yeah

Bree: I'll save you to my contacts now lol- 

Bree Campbell saved {insert number here} as 🖊Conner 🖊

Bree: there... hercules bailey- 

Conner: im so manly and totally not free- 

Bree: Imagine *rolls eyes* being as strong as hercules. did you even know what he did to zoe nightshade in percy jackson? 

Conner: did he propose/hj 

Bree: boys...
            anyway, I have to go to an appointment. ttyl!

Conner: uh ok ttyl! 

As the two said their "goodbyes" to end their (awkward) conversation, Conner and Bree turned bright red behind the screens they were using. The best part though was the fact that they didn't see each other do it-

"Conner?" Alex said peeking from her brother's bedroom door. "Lunch's ready." 

Conner didn't hear anything and continued to smile in front of his phone instead. 


"Bree?" Bree's sister Alice said, peeking through her bedroom door. "Are we going to the dentist or not?" 

"Oh right."


Bree, along with her family, parked at the Mcdonalds carpark after they had their morning service at church. It had been a week since that short conversation by text with Conner, and Bree, couldn't help but do a mental backflip as she thought about it. (She didn't know why though). 

As she was entering the restaurant, she couldn't help but smile. Although the place wasn't relatively related to fairy tales, it brought her back to the nostalgia of her childhood (which was full of stories). Sitting down at a table of four, she pulled out her phone and texted her friends as her mom asked the family's order. 

"Big Mac- wait, make it vegan if you can," Megan, Bree's 10-year old sister said to Mrs. Bailey. 

Megan Campbell had similar long blonde hair as her oldest sister's (Bree). She had freckles and beautiful brown eyes. She looked very beautiful although she had the misfortune of having bucked-teeth from her dad which made her look like a pony. 

"'appy meaw-!" Bree's youngest sister, Adrianne squealed while putting on a fit as Mr. Campbell tried to put Adrianne in her highchair. 

Adrianne (or ari) had brown hair which was tied into pigtails. She had eyes as blue as the ocean and easily is the child favorite (although Bree's parents wouldn't admit it). But don't be fooled, Ari may be cute, but she's cunning in her own ways being a four-year-old. 

Once everyone was settled, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell left the table to place their order. Being the oldest, Bree was asked to watch the rest of her siblings. As she attempted to put an earbud to her ear, she accidentally overheard someone talking at the table behind her.

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