What's your Number?

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Conner was cringing. It was 1 in the morning and he needed sleep.

He didn't know what just happened a day ago. Well... he did touch Bree's hand and other stuff... 

Conner stood up, went downstairs without waking anyone up, and got his mother's laptop from the kitchen table. He was sure a little bit of writing could take his mind off random (and not to mention, cringy) thoughts in his mind. 

Smoky Sails Sam, Smoky Sails Sam, Smoky Sails Sam... Conner repeated in his head. He didn't know what would be the backstory for the story's villain. What does he write?

How are we going to write about the Admiral and the Captain's chemistry in the story? Conner thought as soon as he had written a rough idea of Smoky Sails Sam's backstory. He wasn't a hopeless romantic and never was. How would he write something about 'love' without even experiencing it himself? 

Well, you should think about Jack and Goldilocks, they were the inspiration for 'Starboardia' after all. Conner thought

But Conner thought about Bree- 

No. He wouldn't dare. 

It was now 2:30 in the morning and he really needed sleep. Never in Conner's life did he stay up until 2 and he was now regretting that he did. 


"Second week of School!" Alex exclaimed happily. Her excitement of the brand-new school year didn't cease unlike the many others like Conner. 

They arrived at school pretty early,  because, for Alex, she needed to do some things in the Editorial Room and for Conner, sports. 

Conner wasn't much of a "jock" or just active in any kind of sport, per se, but today, he decided to play every men's favorite sport, basketball (with his friends). 

"HEY!" Percy said passing Conner a basketball but missed and hit Britney White who was behind Conner. 

"I swear Conner Bailey I will..!" Britney stopped in her tracks. Conner wasn't the one who threw the ball at her, it was Percy. All Britney could do was to try to not go red in front of Conner, and especially to Percy. 

"Can easily be a basketball jock of the school I see," Conner said while looking at Britney who was walking away, blushing. 

"However pretty she may be, I don't like her," Percy said truthfully but then apologized for what he said. "What I meant was, I don't like her romantically-" 

Conner smirked. 

"C'mon let's play," Percy said ignoring Conner smirking. "Matt's here already."

Just then, Bree arrived with one of her friends. 

Conner dropped the basketball he was holding, immediately, stared at her for a second, and just walked towards her, almost hitting his head on a pole. 

"Thinking of asking for her number?" Percy and Matt said together. 

"No I'm not," Conner said shrugging, though he was still looking at Bree. 

Percy rolled his eyes. He snatched the ball from the ground and did a three-pointer shot without Conner noticing. 

"HEY!" Conner exclaimed. "That's not fair!" 


Conner didn't tell anyone that his goal for that day was to ask Bree's number. (But, his close friends knew-). Well of course, he didnt have a chance to ask during the picnic since, he was doing other stuff.

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