Start from the beginning

I was now walking in a moderate speed. I ignored the cold temperature no matter how freezing it got and my body was cooperating. I wasn't slow anymore and the light was getting bigger and bigger thus I was getting nearer. The freezing atmosphere was also starting to change as I got nearer to the light. I could feel solid ground slowly forming while walking. It felt like hard soil with bits of rocks on it. The atmosphere was starting to get warm and my body temperature was finally going back to normal. 

I finally made it to the light. It wasn't pure light, it was fire. I was glad that I found it and felt the warm heat flowing through my skin, but at the back of my head I was also scared. Scared of who or what made the fire.

Someone else is here with me, I thought. But who in God's name could have died with me at the same time and got sent here also in this black Antarctica? I know thousands and millions of people die a day, but I could've saw some of them when I woke up or passed them by while I was walking. These thoughts and questions kept running in my head with no answer to support them. Whoever made this fire, I just hope he or she ain't the devil.

I sat down near the fire to warm up from the cold earlier when suddenly, a low rumbling sound was made. It wasn't really loud but I could hear it. I got up from the ground – which was solid dirt mixed with tiny rocks – grabbed one of the woods from the fire and held it up as torch. I looked up ahead of me and "whoaed" at what I saw: A big forest came out of nowhere. Tall trees almost as tall as buildings you usually see at New York City. Its body, as wide as the width of a long table.

A light breeze flew over the trees and unto me. I could hear the branches above crackle and sway at each other, while the cloth I was wearing was swooped in the opposite from where I was facing. A question popped up in my mind while the light breeze was passing through me: What am I wearing right now?

'You gotta be shitting me' I said. 'Out of all the things I could have worn, the Givenchy dress had to be it. Now it's ruined Goddammit!' I yelled out of disappointment and anger.

A loud snapping sound came from the forest. The snap echoed through the dark forest, like how people's screams echo in horror movies. I was alarmed by it. Someone is here, Someone is here I thought. Fear was invading my mind as the long sullen silence fell all over the place after the snapping sound. A few moments later my senses returned to me.

"Hello!?" I yelled out. "Is someone out there!?"

No response was made, instead more snapping sounds echoed through the forest. Each snap gets louder and seem closer than the other. Someone is here, Someone is coming. Those were the thoughts that kept running in my head. I didn't know who or what was coming. I didn't know how to face them. All I knew is that I was scared and I needed to survive. Whatever was coming, I needed to be ready to face them.

The snapping sounds were close enough for me to realize that it was coming from up above. It was up in the trees. Something was jumping branch to branch in the trees, and from the sound it made while it was jumping, I knew it was big and heavy. The thought of Someone changed into Something. Something is coming, Something big is here.

After a few more minutes, the sound of snapping branches stopped. Is it over? Why did it stopped moving? Where is it?

I had no clue to the answers to these questions in my mind.


I jumped in alarm of the loud thud that came from the forest. I knew it was really near now. A gust of wind mixed with dust, leaves, rocks and sand swooshed right past me when the thud was made, that's how I knew it was near. The fire in my torch and the one beside almost got blew away.

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