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  Chapter 91 Robbers
  Lu Yao took two small things and found a booth that looked fairly clean, planning to get rid of breakfast first.

  After passing through, all she ate was the food she cooked by herself. After eating with Mo Twelve and Thirteen, she never ate it again.

  So in the past few days, she intends to eat enough, and then pack a little bit of dry, waiting to eat slowly later.

  She also wanted to pack those who brought soup, but Dai Naihe didn't have a pack box.

  "Xiaoxuan, Xiaobao, what do you two want to eat?"

  Lu Yao turned her head and asked the two little ones sitting next to her.

  After thinking about it, Xiaoxuan ordered a bowl of Chaos, and Xiaobao also chose Chaos. After seeing them, Lu Yao ordered himself a bowl of Chaos and noodle soup.

  The result was that the two little guys each added a bowl of noodle soup.

  She knew it would be like this.

  The boss hesitated when he heard that these three children ordered so many at once.

  Lu Yao also knew that this small body was not very credible. Although she was a little angry, she still snapped and paid the money first. Isn't it just over twenty essays? Who should I look down on?

  Sister has money, besides her own, Bai Moyu has left behind.

  As soon as the boss saw that he was rich, the speed was up, and three bowls of Chaos and three bowls of noodle soup came up in a while.

  Lu Yao saw that there were a few green vegetables and oil flowers on the chaos, but the noodle soup was really noodle soup. Except for the soup and noodles, there was no scallion, and the light ones were like the ones without salt. Chaos is a bargain.

  Although it was expensive by two articles, there was meat in it at any rate, alas, a misconduct, and I ordered three bowls at once.

  No way, eat, you can't waste food.

  The three of them ate after a few snoring, and then went straight to the seed spot. Lu Yao wanted to see if there was anything he hadn't bought.

  The result was still old, and some were not there yet, so Lu Yao took a look and didn't buy anything.

  She took two little guys to the cloth shop and bought two sets of clothes and socks for each person in spring, summer, autumn and winter. She wanted to buy three quilts, but she looked at her small body and thought about it. Forget it, I'll talk about it in two days.

  Finally, Lu Yao took the two of them to the place to buy salt. Lu Yao bought a full five jin for 50 jin. She wanted to buy more, but she is a little girl. Misunderstanding, I can only do it again in two days.

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