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  Chapter 94 Kyoto,
  Kyoto, Hou Mansion

  "Master, Mo Er and they are all back from their injuries."

  Bai Moyu was using it to perfection, Mo Yi entered the inner hall, blessing his body.

  As soon as Bai Moyu heard the news, the many days of haze were wiped out, and he happily said:

  "Let them rest for a while, and then go to the warehouse to collect fifty taels of silver each. You are all the same."

  "Yes! Thank you very much." Master!" As

  soon as Mo went out, Bai Moyu muttered to himself sadly:
  "This girl and the others don’t know where they were rushed. The people who were sent out all fly back and say, check. There is no such person."

  But with that girl's personality, she might still be hiding in an old forest in the deep mountains. This time, the incident scared her.

  As for her safety, he wasn't so worried. This girl had that magical space in his hands, and he believed that she would be safe.

  However, I couldn't help but worry about her.


  Now the form is getting worse and worse. I have to pick myself out of here as soon as possible. No one in this house is worry-free. Staying here is tiring, and I have to beware of this all day long. Yes, I just want to eat something, so I'm afraid that I'll get caught again by accident.

  The mother and son are used to superficial skills. I am afraid that no one in Kyoto does not know how good they are. They are even more dedicated to him, but in private, it is vicious, especially his praise." Good" brother, he is so vicious that there is no bottom line.

  And recently, he seems to be walking very close to the third prince. This is the rhythm of playing with fire and self-immolation.

  Therefore, in order to have a peaceful life for the girl in the future, and for the sake of my own life, I must leave this family as soon as possible.

  It seems that I should do a little more, otherwise how could I "die" so quickly.

  "Mo Yi"


  "Follow me to the front yard!"


  After finishing speaking, he stood behind Bai Moyu respectfully.


  "Young Master, why are you here?" When the

  butler saw Bai Moyu's arrival, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

  "Why, I can't come." The

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