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  Chapter 62   Changing the Sky
  "Xiao Yao'er, I'm not full, can you give me two more?"

Wu Junrui pecked his fingers, and said with a little intent. The corners of Lu Yao's mouth twitched insignificantly. You have eaten eight and you haven't eaten enough. You are the birthplace of Zhu Bajie.

  Each of the steamed buns she made was the size of an adult's fist. Because of her supernatural powers, Weikou said it was a lot bigger than the average person, but she was full after only four.

  He didn't expect to see Wu Junrui, who was skinny, had eaten eight, and he was still not full.

  Does he belong to the kind of perfect body that looks thin and undressed, but he doesn't look like it.

  When Lu Yao was looking at him up and down, she suddenly spoke behind her, which shocked her.

  "Well, I'm really not full, it's mainly too delicious, it's soft and sweet."

  Bai Moyu also commented after eating the steamed bun in his hand.

  Lu Yao thought to herself, as expected, the pigs gave birth to a litter, otherwise how could the two become brothers.

  Sure enough, the two people have something in common, so she said, how come two brothers with diametrically opposite personalities have played together.

  Besides, can this steamed bun be unpalatable? She puts a lot of sugar in it. Of course, it tastes better than the tasteless ones on the street.

  "Sister, I want one too."

  Seeing her elder sister's fierce look, Xiao Xuan said weakly from the side.

  Looking at the three who were looking at her, she shook her head.

  Especially the little guy, Lu Yao has absolutely no resistance to his eyes.

  No way, Lu Yao gave them two more for each of them who accepted his fate. The three who didn't work were not full, let alone those who did work.

  It seems that there is still less food to buy, but fortunately, the space has already been planted, otherwise, I want to open my belly to eat, but there is no door.

  It's just that this meal of ten big steamed buns and a bowl of porridge, she seems to be a little bit too much to support when she has time to talk, one of them is too good to eat, that is, Xiaoxuan, since learning martial arts with them, the appetite has also risen.

  This meal, I also ate three steamed buns and a bowl of porridge, which was almost catching up with her.

  But it’s a blessing to be able to eat. I haven’t seen this little guy. Has this height risen recently? If this goes on, not only will she be able to catch up with her appetite, but from her point of view, this height is also about to catch up.

Take space in another world(MTL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora