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  Chapter 16 Crisis After
  dinner, the sky was still dark, Lu Yao added a few thicker firewood to the fire.

  "Xiaoxuan, look at the fire and the surroundings carefully. If you have something to call your eldest sister, or eldest sister if you want to sleep, you know?" There

  are a lot of things today. Lu Yao is a little tired, especially tired. She came to this world. I didn't think about killing people, but there are some things that you don't just say you don't do it.

  Although she killed all the people who should be killed today, she may have changed her identity, and the reason for the deterioration of the heart's ability to withstand it is somewhat unsuitable, so she now needs to use sleep to relieve it.

  "Well, eldest sister, you can go to bed, I can."

  Xiaoxuan has become accustomed to this famine life. Hearing what his sister said, he picked up the small wooden stick on the ground without saying a word, stared at the surroundings vigilantly, as if changed. Become a little guard.

  Although Lu Yao hurts Xiaoxuan a little bit, there is nothing he can do about it. After today's daytime events, it is even more unlikely that the two of them will sleep together.

  What's more, she hasn't closed her eyes for two consecutive days, and no matter how she cultivates, she still needs rest.

  Lu Yao was indeed tired, lying on the hay, fell asleep after a while.

  In her sleep, she also dreamed that all the material in the space had come back again. This is not considered as thinking by day and dreaming by night.

  She was very happy in her dream anyway.

  After a few hours of sleep, Lu Yao automatically woke up, but she felt that she had a lot of energy, stretched out comfortably, and when she turned her head, she found that Xiao Xuan had fallen asleep on the side.

  Fortunately, before he went to bed, he took out the hay, otherwise he just slept on the ground directly, and it would be strange if he didn't catch a cold.

  Fortunately this year, there are many people passing by on this official road, and there are no dangerous animals. Fortunately!
  Lu Yao added enough firewood to the fire, and then carefully observed the surrounding area, and found that there was no movement nearby, so she felt relieved.

  Then she sat down, closed her eyes and started cultivating. Through today’s events, she found that she was slack in the past. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes. Then how can she be able to get out of the mud and not get infected. Woolen cloth.

  Lu Yao closed her eyes and perceives everything around her. As her abilities improve, her hearing, vision, speed, and strength will also improve, but it is not so obvious.

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