Chapter 37

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Chapter Sarge

Today was the day they were going to attack the city, after Pezzie speech he had headed back to the town he was nervous his people were more than ready, but they were his family he always felt bad putting their life in danger. He remembers his days in the army, he had gotten unlucky. His training officer was the worst of them, the old school type that believed every private was worthless, it took sweat, tears even some blood but he had made it alive. He was thankful of the old bastard he had though him a very valuable lesson , maybe the only lesson that mattered , no matter the enemy learn to trust your brother in arm ,it was a sad story the man had committed suicide out of guilt in a letter he had wrote he had mention that he was a monster on purpose to build team spirit, why was this specific Memorie occupying his mind right now , was it nostalgia or did he knew exactly what to do , he was proud of what they had accomplished, and he would defended it even in death . He left his tent on early morning rang the bell to summon every habitant this place had to offer, it had taken minute, discipline and a sense of community did wonder for the troops he cleared his throat and prepare himself to give his speech it was a bit inspired by Pezzie but he would be able to rally the troop, and motivate them in a battle they would lose, but as he was thought in his army days, faith was something you could push it was the strength of many. He looked at the crowd in front of him proudly here goes nothing.

Good morning, today is t-a special day, a day that will come once in a lifetime, we have been cursed by a plague a virus that took everything from us, look around you, all the thing you see are thing that you have worked hard for. We took this desolate world and made it ours. After all we have endure, we are face with a new trial once again we will have to fight. There is a chance that we will die but there is also a chance that we will free the city. I do not expect you to fight this fight, hell you can choose to forfeited but I'd like to call Simon to the stage as he has saw it too.

Simon looked at him with a pleading look, a look that told him why. He knew Simon wasn't his best soldier, it was his job as a leader to know his people but Simon was an asset, he was the first to volunteers to recruit or even for the trade. Order where order, Simon got up the stage and told his version.

Me and the sarge, was looking on an intel, we lost a man from Ridgeway but the intel led us to believe something was hiding in the city, we went to check for ourself and it was horrible, the city is overrun, the zombie is about three time our number maybe two time as much if Ridgeway joined.

The crowd seemed worried, they were talking asking question just like when Pezzie did her speech, it was the reaction he wanted.

Again, none of you have the obligations to come, but I'm going and I might die but I'll have the option, the honor of saying that I fight till the end. So will the farmer from Ridgeway such brave people they really earned their stripe.

He felt bad using this old army trick of building the other town up so their sense of being proud soldier would be the one reacting. He wasn't sure if this had work, but if it did, they would have a better chance, he loaded the truck with all the ammo he could, multiple firearm and Simon wine, that stuff was extremely flammable. Thank God for his rebellious way. He had found some grenade but they had come from queen gambit and he didn't trust them. They didn't even answer the flare gun signal. He left his tents after making sure he was ready, his speech had work, most of the town had shown up, more than he thought would, but not the entirety. It was okay though this place needed to be protected if something went wrong. They left for the city; they were singing song that Brian had teach them something to raise their spirit. Arrived at the entrance, they were surprise by the zombie. He stopped, it was a clever tactic, it was very clever, they had place too much zombie to take out with a melee weapon and close enough that if his group fired the zombie would hear, the situation was looking bad and they didn't even enter the town. He approaches hoping a solution would come to him and it did come in form of a surprise. Upon closer look he recognizes most of the zombie were familiar they were zombie from zombieland , he didn't think they would unite with another zombie. The situation was awful Brian, had trusted Pezzie theory, when she had mention that every zombie in zombie land were pacific, these were blocking the way but they weren't attacking. Suddenly a horrific growl came ringing his ears, the zombie in front of him turned around and began crawling to the center, the sarge decided to follow them. He was in moving along the streets thankfully, he had trained his people for that situation, too many alleys, too many buildings. They finally reached the center, that's when the sarge realize how wrong he had been. On the floor were multiple infected body, he looked around and realize in horror that the body of the Zombieland leader was on the floor, he didn't believe in this mumbo jumbo but Pezzie did and so far, she prove to know more than him. There was also a Ladie something was off, she seemed normal but her demeanor, was odd he took a closer look, she wasn't human.

This is where all that training led us to survive, it was an honor to serve with you

They were rushing, the sarge secretly knew, they wouldn't make it ammo wise he wanted to do as much damage as possible. Hey fought as valiantly as possible, taking hundred after hundreds of zombies, he saw some of his comrade being taken down, the worst happen, a zombie had bitten a soldier with an assault rifle, the zombie pushed the man on the ground but he had never let go of the trigger they lost ten men just there, it was horrible. Then he heard the number of gun shooting becoming less and less. At the end they ran out of bullet the sarge looked around a small group of zombies were surrounding the rest of them. He saw the woman walking toward them, he hated zombie, he hated her, if Pezzie was right she was the cause of all of this .She was now inches from her he grabbed a knife and stabbed her , but another zombie pushed him , he felt her teeths tear his flesh. 

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