chapter 13

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Chapter 13  Pezzie

The road was calm, much calmer since they were only four people in the car , she was reading in the backseat  , anything to take the focus out of the situation , her father was joking with her uncle and her mom was sleeping , she was the night driver . They had decide on a small town , close by , to camp out and for thing to evolve  the military  car , was equipped  with a universal radio ,which would prove vital . They arrive at the town that night, luckily  enough it seemed to be rather uninfected it was perfect , they were running low on supplies they  had   originally brought  a lot , but didnt ration it enough and it showed .They found a grocery  store , next to a gas station , pretty early on .
-Perfect  , said Tye two of the most valuable  resources right there ,
- Let's  bring the weapon ,not the heavy stuff just our handguns , theyre bound to be some survivor in this town and they most likely  came here , theyre not all gonna be friendly.
But Pezzie  knew better , yes they're could be survivor , but theyre could also be infected all it took was one , one bad apple . But she was shy , and knew theyre wouldn't  listen  to a kid, so she followed  , they first went in the gaz station to fill up on gas , Pezzie and her mom when in to search the food shelves were already looted but they found a map of the town which Pezzie insist on keeping ,then the whole four member party ,headed to the grocery store, the door were locked, they saw a panel that said there is nothing good inside leave , it was a good sign , people have been here or still were inside ,they just needed to  have the key .
- We should look for another way in , began her father Ridge
But it was took late , Tye had broken  down the door
- What the fu_ began her father  before her mother nudge him
-Come on Ridge you saw those thing ,they have overrun a city, you think a door made of glass will stop them ?  We were gonna barricade these anyways ,beside what if there are survivor  that take us from those  dead freak.
- Lets just go in , her mom said
They entered but it was so dark ,  electricity  had already went out,  they had to use the flashlight  . Right away ,they saw an infected they dock and look around he was the only one .Her mom signed the group to leave ,but her father looked at Tye and said to fight . They had a strategy , they had probably  dealt with this in the beginning  of the outbreak , Tye  went to bait the infected , while Ridge  would kill him from behind , it was a safe strategy  , they weren't fast ,strong or even quick .
The strategy  had worked and there was no risk at all , it went fast, in one strike they had killed it . In his fall it had push a small display of canned ravioli,  her favorite .
- What  luck , she screamed  , they had found a safe and  dependable  spot , that was both practical  and efficient  , the gas station was a three story building , perfect to get radio signal . They all laugh as they filled , some cart with food there was some really good stuff ,  it had been untouched , but the light was a problem . Theyre was also the broken door and that came first when securing the area , she heard Tye  screamed
- I found the maintenance  room it could be useful. Things were on the up ,they did have a chance.
She heard a growl , then a second then multiple  , there was some  survivor , they were all infected ! The small group of four  ran away , they were quicker than the beasts sure but , they if they had to clean this refuge of infected was easy but she estimated  a rough fifty  infected maybe a bit more  , it was gonna be risky . They had  attained the car fairly easy and had left the place , her parent were tired and they were stressed , they had made a fatale mistake she realized  , the broken door .They could  escape from there , the situation had turned into the worst , in there they could attack them . She look for a safe spot on the map and found the town attraction,  a twinky factory , they had picture on the brochure , it was perfect a small building with multiple floor perfect for seeing afar ,and was  far from the infected area ,  once they arrive they did a perimeter search and came back , they took a look at the building it was perfect just as shown in the picture . There might even be twinkies inside what a find , but the night was coming .
- We should sleep  in the car and do a search of the building in the morning , said her dad
- Agreed  , said Tye . They ate  the rest of the food ,Pezzie was still hungry, but by tomorrow  she could eat her fill , she fell asleep hopeful and looking forward to the next day . It was early morning when she heard scream .
-Clear , said Tye
- Clear , said her dad
She look at the time, it wasnt even seven o'clock  in the morning, she  guessed they were hungry too . They came back to the the vehicule smiling , her dad  gave her a wink
- How do you feel about a whole month of Halloween  , he said tossing her a couple pack of  twinkies  .They ate a whole box that morning , laughing and singing , soon after they had planned to barricade the place, they had use the map to find a nearby hardware  store  it was clean, no infected , had they all been locked in the grocery store?  They came back feeling pretty cocky they hadn't seen a zombie in miles now. They were once again singing, and laughing . Then she heard her mom scream , a single infected  was coming toward them but he was different  from the one in the store, he was running , luckily  her father had a rifle , he told

 -Tye . You got cleaning the construction site  duty, if I shoot  this one in the head
- Fine, youll  never get it , go ahead  , make my day said Tye
Her father aimed and shot, it was a perfect hit , it was super loud and it had hurt her ears, but it was a one hit  ,sure shot . The infected  fell on the ground , it made Pezzie wondered who that person was now that he wasnt posing a threat , well before  all that , she had ask later her father the same  question  and he had reassured her that they were probably  suffering  . Hours later , Tye came in slamming the doors , full of blood .
- What happened? her mom ask. Are you okay ?
- Dont worry its not my blood , he answered  ,  those  thing must have followed  us  ,there about thirty  out there i need the assault rifle.
They could hear thumps  at the door ,  coming from multiple  directions , She was getting scared ,really scared.  Her father saw her and kneeled down to meet her scared gaze.
- Its going to be ok ,we are safe here , we will wait till it die down, they can't come in we barricade  the whole place .
It had reassured  Pezzie somewhat , they were in a safe place and the zombies could never break in ,yet alone open any doors . The waiting till thing calm down was a good yet intense plan ,especially  since she had a theory that it was the noise that brought them more ,than them following  a moving vehicle. They waited  for hours , the noise slowly died down .
-We are good, finally said Tye
Her father came back  to her and her mom and said .
- Me and your uncle are gonna keep guard you stay here 
He handed her a knife and her mom a pistol , mouthing" just in case " . When she felt asleep , the noise  had died down . Till it got back up , she woke up to her dad screaming in pain.
-Tye its me , Ridge , why are you doing this man .
She looked ,Tye was on top of her dad attacking him ,
-Dad, screamed  Pezzie  realizing that it was his blood , he got bitten  .
Her dad swore , and shot Tye four  time in the stomach , then let him fall  thinking he was dead . Second later Tye got back up and  had sank his teeth in her dad . He took a couple of bite , before turning his attention to her and her mom .
- Stop Tye she begged , stop
But Tye was running toward them .
Her mom got up ,looked at Pezzie and gave her ,the gun .
- Survive bug , mommy  love's you
She couldnt , Pezzie didnt have the time to do anything  ,her mother got up and ran to the door opening  and running outside  , she had sacrifice  herself to lure Tye , no the monster outside , it had work . When the monster had left she ran as fast as she could , and closed the door sobbing  . She got back to her father knowing , he wasnt dead , knowing his mistake with her uncle , the monster in the parking was shot in the head , that was theyre only weak point she thought crying as she grab the gun , no it was too noisy .She grabbed the knife , just as she was about to plunge it in her dad head ,his eyes opened  , he had turned  , she quickly  dropped the knife and killed her father .
- I love you dad , she said crying hysterically
She had spend two weeks alone , theyre was still mountain of twinkies but she knew she need more than sugar ,how much could her body even contain. She though she saw movement , it was a man in his forty . He wasnt looking in her direction, he hadnt seen her , she decide to hide and wait she couldnt trust this stranger , but he was looking , he didnt even steal her food .
- What do you want, she said in a  less menacing  voice than she had  hope , she took a look at the man he was clean , the outbreak had started months ago , but he seemed healthy even a bit overweight,  he had food or a source of it .
- I said ,what do you want , she repeated
- hold on now , im a friend , not here to hurt you he said
She lowered her knife , he really seemed nice , she saw a cross ,he believe just like her father did. Could she trust him,?
- What happen ? He ask
- We we're  four , my father is military  we holed up in here  but one of us got bitten they all left , I left too , but they turned , now im alone she sobbed
He looked sad , genuinely  sad , he was a good man she could tell
- Come  he told her
- Where? she asked
- Does it matter ?, he  answered
They exchange a smile , she decided here and there that she would follow him . She was safe ,for now

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