chapter 26

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Chapter  Jebedaiah
The situation was looking desperate , Rebecca finally catch up to him . She barge in the room screaming
-Sir  I apologize I didn't mean  to cause any problem
Jeb looked at Finn, even if he didn't considered himself a leader they saw him as one . He was looking confused, Jeb would have to take charge , now he remembered ,that they had some weapon .

-Finn do you have  a sound alarm , something to warn people , if so use it , said Jeb

Finn didn't answer , luckily Rebecca said

-We used to have an alarm to call people in for a lunch break we can use that , if there is  a situation

-Great, go ring that alarm and bring all the shovel you can carry I counted three , Finn go and get the weapon everything you can carry, ammo too ,Thomaz go and send me Pezzie also make sure  that the kid are safely transported to the meeting place . Omallys your with me, said Jeb

They all nodded and went on there way , the police officer looked at him and said

- You have a plan , I can tell , I just hope it works , not for me but for my boys

Jebedaiah had a plan , he wasn't sure it would work it was a risky one .The truth was that he had no idea on how much weapon they have, nor the amount of ammo. He also didn't know , how many enemies there was . it was a hard situation to plan against , most likely this community was doomed .They was a chance however , he thought back once  more to his farming day , when he wanted to bring back the horses to their stable . Theyre number wouldn't matter in a narrow space , the amount of bullets  would matter , at least with the shovel , they had a second chance . If one of the smarter zombie was there it would be a problem .He just hoped his plan was working he didn't know how much time they would need to  bait the enemy , that where Omallys came in place nobody knew the city better than him and he knew the safety protocol .Another problem was how far the zombie had already advance ,theyre was no time to loose.

-I hope so too , I need you focus , we have to bait them and gain some time ,said Jeb

-You cant be serious , he said astonished, okay fine , just promised me if I died  you will take care of my kids

Jebedaiah couldnt believe his ears , he barely knew the guy , yet he was trusting him with his kid . This apocalypse was really something ,yet the farmer said
-Sure , as a father to another father I give you my word
-Thank you , said the police officer , lets go
They left the building in direction of the gate , they were making great pace ,Jeb could tell Omallys was scared but he was showing  bravado  , in the background they could hear the alarm , his orders were being followed .When they finally reached the front gate , they saw a bunch  of zombies, some of them were left crushed under the gate, there was also two groups gathered on the ground probably eating some victims , but in the middle theyre was one , one who seemed human a smart one , Jeb thanked god , it wasn't the one that looked like Justin .Omallys  pointed an said ,

-This is miss Patterson and here is the home decorator, Jeff

But what he had pointed were zombies , Jeb thought back to Rickart refusing to kill people he knew

-Are you ready to run , he asked Omallys ,

His new friend nodded , Jeb took the police officer gun and shot in the air, at once ,all of the zombies looked at him , they were in great number , he knew exactly what to do , the smarter zombie would be a problem but they will still make some time , they just had to go through the house by one door and leave by an other .The smarter could open the door , but shooting at him would be hard with a pistol ,they needed Pezzie sniper .   The plan was going great after only three house , they heard the bell again , Jeb assumed it meant everyone was safe , he would be hated but he didn't care he wanted to make sure this town would survive the assault . They arrived at the church it was a wise choice it was one of the biggest building in the town, it was ironic that the house of god , the place he had so often visited back in the days would be the place of the  final stand . They opened the church door , there was so little people here , only a bit more that three quarter of the town  was assembled . Luckily he spotted the kids , and Pezzie along with it, she ran to him , Jeb was expecting a scared child hugging him for comfort .
Instead she was looking straight at him,

-How bad is the situation ,she asked

 Jeb felt a mixture of pride and sadness , they were no use to act fatherly , no use in being over protective , the scared little girl , he had found had grew so much ,she was ready .

-Its pretty bad ,there is a smart with them , theyre are maybe thirty , maybe forty , how is the situation here ,he said 

She looked around before saying

-Its pretty bad here too , but we have four assault rifle , my sniper rifle , they even had a shotgun .

-Good ,said Jeb its better than inspected

Of course , the second he said that, the door were starting to be pushed , they could hear the growling , and the constant stumps, on the doors the situation was critical , the time limited ,he needed to do something and fast .He turn to Pezzie and whisper,
-I want you to take that sniper rifle , don't shoot till you see one that look like the man ,amongs them and shoot at him
She nod at Jeb ,that took care of  one problem ,he looked around people were scared , Jeb decided to risk it all

-Everyone listen to me , listen to me please

Nobody was listening , they were all too scared , he couldn't blame them

-Everyone listen to him, said Finn

He turned around surprise , he didn't expect the support of the salesman but it had worked, the whole crowd was silent , not a noise could be heard ,Jeb nodded at Finn and said

Most of you don't know me , im new here , so its normal that you don't trust me, but you all know that I came from the outside me and her , he pointed at Pezzie , the world out there is cruel , unforgiving , the number of time we could have died is high .There little chance of survival , this is the last hope we have, we need to defend this place ,we have everything to loose , lets fight fight for the little we still have.

Jeb looked around ,hopping he gave its all , the dice were thrown , as he looked he could tell people where still afraid . Then a woman got up followed by another, soon there was ten people up . His speech had touched certain people , there was people wanting to live . But time was scarce , the banging at the entrance had increased , Thomaz ,Finn . Rebecca and Omallys each grabbed a assault rifle , a man he didn't know grab the shotgun and Pezzie grabbed the sniper
-Quick everyone push one of those long church chair and form a corridor , people armed with a weapon go behind those and fire when they reach your field of vision, the other you bait them in a straight line
The door finally broke , an instant earlier would have been too early  .
-Here them come , lets fight , for Ridgeway ,he screamed
The scene that happen right after, probably lasted minutes but in Jeb eyes , it lasted an eternity . The zombies were coming in  two ,at a time , they were shot , unfortunately pretty soon one of the gun had  jammed . He was bitten and soon killed , the other three did pretty well , the shotgun had been use in emergency .Shortly after the zombie stopped coming in . They heard cheers and screams of joy , they had survive , sure they had lost two person, but all in all it was pretty good , people were laughing and hugging each other .

-You save this community we all thank you , your plan was fantastic , said Omallys

-You really saved us ,said Rebecca kissing his cheek

-Tonight feast is going be held in your honor ,said Finn

A huge sentiment of relief washed over him , they had won , they had done pretty good it was over . The town was once again a haven , they would fix what was broken, he felt Pezzie tugged his armed .She was safe too , thank god , he couldn't even imagine loosing her ., she wasn't smiling .

-Jeb the man wasn't there, I checked every body on the floor , she said

It was an awful news . Almost the worst case scenario

-We have to go after them , said Jebedaiah

-But we just won, lets enjoy , our victory , Mr. j, said Thomaz

-It wasn't possible, too much was at risk , he looked at Finn and said

-One of the smart one , now knows our location , they will come back again and again if we don't kill it .

-We have to go  in their territory , agreed Pezzie

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