Northern Lights: Inuit tale

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As a child I wondered what the bright beautiful colours in the sky were. My Aanak then told me a story of the giants.

At night, when we see the northern lights, there are people that come out of their homes to go fishing and hunting. What great hunters and fishers they were. These people are bigger than me and you put together, now don't be afraid of them my child they are bigger yes but their hearts are the kindest anyone could ever have. In their hands they hold burning torches to help them see through the darkness of the night, the light shines into the night sky and makes what we call the northern lights.

When the northern lights move that is the giants chasing after a animal that does not want to be hunted. When I was about your age my mother told me, when the lights change colours that is the giants in their canoes and their torches light reflecting off of the water.

Why can't I see them when I look at the sky Aanak? I asked. My Aanak laughs at me slightly and holds me closer. 

My child the giants are not visible to us. They give us the beautiful colours in the night sky and in return we aren't allowed to see them.


If you didn't figure out what a Aanak is it's a Grandmother. I am not a Inuit so I had to use google to find the word for Grandmother, sorry if it is wrong I am a Saulteaux navtive american. I will be uploading a story about what I was told the northern lights were. Sorry this is short I didn't have much to go on and I have not idea if this is what is ture or not I just wanted to make a little story about it.

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