Home Sweet Home

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Eyes fluttering open, Lucy could hear the steady thumping of a heart. Her face was pressed against a scratchy fabric and she soon became aware of what she was leaning onto; Monte's shoulder. He didn't even glance at her when she stirred, continuing to stare out of the window in thought. Heavily blushing, she pulled back from him and looked down at her lap, pretending nothing had happened.

"Sleep well?" He softly asked, still staring outside.

Nervously, she nodded "y-yes..." she mumbles, placing her hat back on. She suddenly thought about Hugh. she had forgotten him....Would he be angry if she asked them to go back? Surely he would. Plucking up the courage to speak, Lucy anxiously tapped his shoulder. Monte turned to her "hm?" He gently hummed, waiting for what she had to say.

"Oh Monte...you're gonna be so mad..." she mumbles. He slowly raised his eyebrows at her, expecting her to continue. Fidgeting with her fingers, she sighed "we forgot Hugh...." She whispered. She began rambling about how sorry she was, tears forming in her eyes "....I'm sorry really, I should have reminded you, n-now we'll have to go back and the police will- or maybe we can keep going and leave-" Monte quickly placed his hand over her mouth, gesturing towards the driver who thankfully wasn't listening to their conversation.

"Lucy do you really think I'm that stupid?" he hissed, further unzipping the duffel bag on his lap. The little ball of white fur peeked from the bag and Lucy gasped in relief, sniffling her tears away. Laying back against the seat, she calmed herself by closing her eyes and pacing her breaths.

Once she had calmed, Lucy turned to glance back through the window, the streets pitch black. Leaning her sleepy head against the cool glass, she felt her skull vibrate as the cab whizzed down the road. The diverse buildings panned across her line of vision and she smiles a little, watching friends gather for a night out. She lets out a slight sigh, missing Vivian. She longed to see her and let her know she is okay, to spend the night getting drunk and being hit on by men.

Monte acknowledged Lucy's sigh and peered over at her, his hand now in the duffel bag as he gently stroked Hugh. The cab pulled up alongside the curb by his house and came to a stop. Monte pushed the duffel bag to Lucy and grabbed his wallet, paying the driver. Clutching the bag to her chest, Lucy tugged at the handle and left the cab.

Monte left too, managing all the bags from the trunk with one arm. With his free hand, he tossed the keys to Lucy and she caught them, rushing to his front door as she was desperate to escape the cold. Not that his house would be any warmer, of course. Her shaky hand made several attempt to correctly jam the key in the lock but failed each time. Monte watched, getting impatient "really Lucy.." he mutters, dropping every bag to the floor. He approached her and firmly grabbed the key from her cold hands, his skin feeling unusually warm against hers.

Monte effortlessly opened the door, turning to look back at her as if to say, how useless are you? Looking down in embarrassment, Lucy crept inside, still holding the duffel bag. She found herself being pushed to the side as Monte forced himself past her to grab the many bags and bring them in. Kicking her shoes off, Lucy ran up the stairs into his room, shutting the door. She pulled Hugh from the bag and placed him onto the bed, stroking gently.

Hearing Monte shut the front door, she climbed into the bed with a yawn. She heard his steady footsteps ascend the stairs before he paused outside the door, entering after a few seconds. He sighs "Lucy. I cant sleep on that lousy couch forever you know" he whispered, sitting beside her. She sits up, rubbing her tired eyes "o-oh....um...sorry. I'll sleep on the couch" she murmured, preparing to move from the bed. Grabbing her wrist, he shook his head "no. You stay here" he replied, smiling very slightly. Lucy awkwardly nodded, laying back down. Feeling Monte lean over her he mumbles something she didn't quite hear.

Feeling his breath hot against her neck, She flinches, turning her back to him. What did he mean? He didn't want to sleep on the couch but wouldn't let her move... Lucy blushes, her heart racing did he want to....sleep with her? She thinks, beginning to get worried. Monte was still close to her neck and she could hear his stomach rumbling quietly.

He then quickly pulled away and left the room, closing the door softly before descending the stairs. Lucy felt slightly more at ease, closing her eyes in preparation for sleep.

Feeling the hunger gnawing inside him, Monte swung the fridge open and eyes a packet of steak. Tearing at the plastic with his teeth, the film rips and blood splatters on his clothing. He stuffed the raw meat into his mouth, chewing as his face cringed. He swallowed the meat but was left feeling still empty. Grabbing another packet, he did the same, eating the lot. He still felt hungry. Starving. Monte left the empty packet on the bloody counters. He slowly walked into the hallway, staring up at the bedroom door, a pang of guilt spreading through him as his stomach growled again...

Monte the cannibal Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora