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A cold hand pressed on the back of her neck ever so gently, making her hairs stand up on their ends. She shudders, her hands covering her eyes as she felt the man's breath right up against her neck. She just waited. The tension was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. Then all of a sudden, the cold draft of her house returned to her neck and the chills down her spine were extinguished. She pulls her sweaty palms from her eyes to see nothing. She quickly scans the room for Monte, seeing no signs. She threw herself onto her bed and hugs the covers to her chest.

Where did he go? Was she going mad? Her train of thought were interrupted by a scuffing sound under her bed, she drags her limp body forward and dangled her head down, peering into the gap and seeing Lucy the rat. Lucy crawled out from under the bed and squeaked, almost as though it was trying to tell her something. She cupped her hands and placed them beside the rat. It crawled into her shaking palms and she held it at a distance, wary of the little rodent maybe it also ate humans? She thinks, stroking it hesitantly. The rat just squeaks innocently and she places it onto the floor, still wary of the fact Monte may still be in her house.

Lucy felt slightly dizzy thinking about all the events over the past 48 hours. She sits with her back pressed against the wall, her hands gripping at her hair and pulling. She felt tears drip down her soft rosy cheeks and she sniffles, wiping both the snot and tears from her face with her sleeve. She glanced at the clock and pulled herself up off the wall. Without even feeling the urge to make dinner and eat, she drags herself to her bed and tried to rest for the early start tomorrow.

Lucy was unable to sleep much that night, tossing and turning until the early morning hours. She woke slowly after getting the bare minimum of sleep, hunger pangs nagging at her stomach. She weakly moves from her bed, dark rings under her eyes. With a yawn, she pulls on her silly outfit for Dali. This consisted of the scratchy wig as well as the flashy chrome dress. She stares at herself in the mirror and attempts to cover the visible tiredness with her thick foundation, smacking her lips as she drew them bright red.

Tugging at her bag, she sets off on her bike toward the restaurant. It felt nice, being in the open air and feeling the cool New York breeze brush her face. She was there pretty quickly, hopping off the bike and locking it to the railing before walking through the doors.

Cecil greeted her "Lucy!" He exclaims, smiling "hurry up hurry up we're absolutely packed" he urges, using his hand at her lower back to guide her to the kitchen.

Lucy nods, feeling a little bit out of it. She looked out for Monte, standing on her tiptoes and jerking her neck in different directions. Each time she saw that metallic outfit, her heart would race before calming when it came to her attention that they were just other staff. After a while, Lucy stopped looking out for Monte and actually attempted to get some work done, hurrying to a nearby table.

She sighs "can I take your order?" She asks, not even looking up from her notepad.

She hears a familiar voice and she glanced at this man, laying eyes on his face. She gasps "oh my...Methan?!" She hisses in shock. He just smirked cheesily "hello sweetheart" he says, his legs spread open as he slumped in the chair "I thought I might find you here" he chuckles creepily.

Lucy shakes her head "Methan...." She starts. Methan shushes Lucy, standing up and taking her hands in his "let me come to yours, I will make you a meal and it will be lovely" he suggests.

She looks down and thinks. Maybe it would be for the best to be with another person other than a cannibal for a night. She just nods "it's a date..." she smiles "say 7ish?" She asks "my shift finishes early today" she added. Methan nodded "Thats perfect" he replied, leaning in to kiss her cheek before leaving "I'll see you then, Lucy" he gave her a wave and headed off.

She watched Methan recede into the distance before turning back to take the order of another table, yet she just couldn't get anything right. She found herself writing wrong orders and dropping crockery throughout the long shift, until it finished at 6:00. She felt relief as she walked from the restaurant but stopped in her tracks after hearing Dante call her. She inhaled sharply and walks back in, slowly turning.

He was glaring at her "Lucy can I speak to you in private?" He asks. She checks her watch before nodding and walking back into Dali, following the sharply dressed man into a quiet corner of the restaurant.

He gestures for her to sit on a chair and folds his arms, looking down on her "let's talk about your performance this evening" he frowns. Lucy sighs "look....I'm sorry Dante...I've had a lot on my mind you see" she says, attempting to get some sympathy out of the man. He continues frowning "this had better not happen again Lucy. You know we could replace you within a week" he threatens. She nods, holding back tears and runs out into the street again, feeling angry.

She fumbled with the lock on her bike and quickly began cycling home as it began to rain.

She squeezes the brake once she was outside her house, skidding on the soaked tarmac. She locked up her bike and unlocked her door, stumbling in. She was soaked to the bone, icy water dripping down her. She checked her watch which read 6:50 and she headed to her bathroom to freshen up. Lucy pulled off her clothes and hopped into the shower, pulling the lever and basking in the hot water for a few minutes. She then turned the shower off and stepped out into the steamed room, pulling the towel up around her torso.

She hears a knock at the door "ONE MINUTE" she yells, quickly drying and pulling on the nearest clothes she could find which happened to be rather exposing. She scrambled out of the bathroom and opened the front door. She sees Methan there and gestures for him to come inside. Methan was oddly quiet and walked inside, pulling his shoes off and tossing them onto the floor.

He then stared at her provocative outfit and groped her slightly "oh the things I'm gonna do to you tonight...." He whispers, removing his hand. She looks up at him and blushes as he kisses her forehead "but first...dinner" he smirks, walking to her kitchen and beginning to prepare Lucy a meal. She follows after him, watching him chop up carrots and onions. She felt exhausted and was starting to regret letting him come over. She just wanted to sleep.

Lucy saw a white blur in her peripheral vision and twisted her head, seeing the rat. She gasps quietly, completely forgetting about it. The rat scurried towards her with several loud squeaks, catching the attention of Methan. His eyes dart to the squeaking to see the rat and he yells "a rat!" He impulsively grabbed a rolling pin and hurdled toward the thing, slamming the kitchen tool into the floor and missing each time.

Lucy felt something stir inside her and she stood up, the chair scraping against the floor. "Methan stop!" She yells desperately, running to him and grabbing the rat, holding it to her heart "don't you dare" she says spontaneously.

Methan stood in front of the woman, the rolling pin raised "give me the rat, Lucy" he asks, his hand held out. She shook her head and backed away, protectively holding the terrified creature. She began crying "d-Dont...please..." she sobs soflty. Methan groans and reaches for the rat which bit him sharply on the finger, instantly drawing blood.

He stumbles back, clutching his finger "ah!" He sucked at the deep cut and furiously raised the rolling pin "last chance babe. Drop the rat" he says, wincing in pain. Lucy squeezes her eyes shut, still keeping a safe grasp on the furry thing.

Methan noticed how Lucy wasnt listening to him and he swung the rolling pin in fury, hitting her head with a loud smack. Lucy fell to the floor, dropping the rat and holding her head "....get out...." She says, weakly. Methan drops onto his knees beside her "Lucy! Oh my god I didn't mean-" Her vision blurred "GET OUT!" She yells through gritted teeth. She hears methan scramble to the door and slam it, leaving her and Lucy rat alone.

Monte the cannibal Where stories live. Discover now