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Lucy wakes up to the sensation of fur on her nose and she opens her eyes, jumping back slightly to see the rat staring straight at her.

She just chuckles "oh Lucy why did I get myself into this mess" she sighs, stroking the rat as it sniffed at her hand, whiskers twitching.

The cuffed woman scanned the room, noticing a little red book on the table. She strains from the radiator and her fingers barely scrape the spine of the book. Lucy sighs in frustration and stretches further, her neck feeling discomfort. She managed to grip the spine of the book and pull it down to herself. Her thumb traces the leathery cover. It seemed to be one of the few things in his house which wasn't caked in dust. Lucy opens the book and flicks through a couple pages until she sees writing. September 3rd was the date underlined above a few paragraphs. She began reading, her curiosity taking control of her.

September 3rd, 1991

Today's feasting was incredible. I enjoyed every piece of her, especially her succulent thighs.

The feeling of sinking my teeth into her really pleasured me quite nicely. Sucking the blood from her wounds and swallowing the warm liquid gave me the most intense euphoria.

I found her as a customer in the restaurant where I work. Clearly an alcoholic but this added a rich taste to her blood. Despite being utterly delicious, she was a rather rude woman.

The lady never said thank you after I poured her fourth glass of wine. She didn't even tip me or acknowledge me. so slitting her throat and hearing the blood rush out of her and her desperate cries and whimpers was like music to my ears..........

He's so sick, she thinks, turning the page after reading his twisted food diary. She flicks through more, seeing hundreds of dates. Her teeth chatter together in disgust, making a clicking noise and she jumps, seeing a figure standing in the doorway in her peripheral vision. She looks up from the radiator to see the tall man, leaning against the door hinges and fidgeting with the keys in his hand. Lucy quickly tosses the book away and Monte laughs at her attempt to hide it. He approached her and bent over to retrieve the book.

She watches as he placed the book back onto the table "I didn't read your diary..." she utters, shivering from the cold drafts.

Monte angrily turned to her and he kicks at the table leg "it's a journal." He exclaims, making Lucy struggle to keep a straight face. He just glares down at her " would you know it's a diary unless you read it?" He questions, his voice changing to a raspy whisper.

She shrugs "look I'm sorry....please just....take these cuffs off, Monte" she begs.

He hesitates, pulling the keys out of his pocket and teasing her by dangling them above her. Reaching for the keys in desperation, Lucy sobs hopelessly. He just smirked and turned to leave the room, also turning the light off to make things even worse. Lucy lays on the floor helplessly. why hadn't he brutally murdered her yet? Maybe he leaves the victims for a day or so. She thinks, unable to see a thing in the musty room. There were no windows either so not even a ray of sunlight was able to leak inside.

It had been a few hours and Lucy had been frequently calling for Monte, knowing he could hear her but was still annoyed. He sighed at each time she begged him to unlock her and eventually put on some jazz in his living room to mask the young Woman's crying and whimpering. Monte sat on the couch and hummed along, pulling out a book and reading.

After a little more time of reading and listening to jazz, Montes stomach growled and he stood up, tossing the book on the coffee table and striding to the kitchen. He hears Lucy sniffling "Monte?" She mumbles as she hears his footsteps nearer. Monte paused but continued to the fridge, ignoring her.

Lucy gasps softly "Monte please....I need to...need to pee" she hisses, embarrassed. The handsome man growls slightly and pulled the key from his pocket, storming into the room and staring at the woman squirming on the floor. He approached her and crouched to her level, gently taking her wrist and unlocking the cuffs, pulling them off of her.

Lucy ran out of the room, her legs trembling "please can you show me to your bathroom...." She asks.

He gripped her wrist and began leading her to the hallway before gesturing toward a rather derelict door. Cautiously approaching the door, she walked into the bathroom, turning to see Monte had followed her and was staring.

"Um....can I have some privacy?" She whispers, watching him stare at her, and he nods and walks from the room.

He was still angry. She took tell by the way he hadn't smiled, not once. Monte craved her flesh and blood, groaning in hunger as he thought about biting into her soft skin. Lucy finished using the toilet and attempted to flush but all that happened was a creaking noise as the handle struggled to come back up. She rolls her eyes and swings the door open to see Monte chugging another jar of blood. She cringed but kept watching, hearing his little gulps as he quickly consumed the whole jar. Monte gasps for breath as he released the glass jar, his hands gripping the counter ledge and squeezing tightly as he moans. Lucy lingers behind him, fidgeting. The tall man turns to face her, his eyes scanning her from head to toe. She began to shuffle back from him, her heart racing in her chest.

He slowly walked towards the petrified woman "come on Lucy, I wont bite" he mumbles.

"Monte I'm was stupid of me to read something personal of yours...." She says, staring at him as he cornered her, her back now touching a wall. Monte tilts his head to her "you're right Lucy. It was stupid" he glares, fidgeting with his longines Agassiz. She flinches and squeezed against the wall "please.." she whispers. She felt his hot breath against her neck and she squeezes her eyes shut, whimpering. Monte's lips touched where her neck pulsed and he gently scraped the skin with his teeth, tugging at it as his hand presses her close to his body at the nape of her neck, careful to not draw blood.

He began sucking slightly before pulling away "see. I wont bite you" he smirks, his sharp teeth showing.

Lucy slowly opens her eyes, feeling mortified by how good that made her feel. She blushes and smiles back nervously "but....your book.... all the people you a-" he shushes her "Lucy, I'll never hurt you" he whispers, caressing her face. She blushes against his calloused fingers "how can I be so sure...?" She whispers.

Monte smirks a little "you think that was easy for me?" He speaks soflty "touching your gorgeous neck and not taking a bite?" he whispers.

Lucy smirks "o-okay I believe you...." She replies, shyly staring at her feet.

Monte impulsively grabbed his coat from the coat stand "come on" he chirps. Lucy was confused "come on...? Where?" She asks.

He turns his head back to face her "we're leaving. I must see your place" he smiled, pulling the coat over him and sliding each arm through a sleeve.

Monte the cannibal Where stories live. Discover now