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Gently placing Lucy onto the grimy couch, Monte began pulling off her coat. Flinching, she instinctively folded her arms, cowering away from him. Monte sighed impatiently "Lucy. Let me help..." he whispers, his kind eyes boring into hers. Relaxing her arms, she complied with him and he pulled the coat off her skin body. Stroking the scar delicately, Monte kissed it. He pulls away before leaning back in and starting to lick around the wound, moaning softly. Feeling disturbed, Lucy watches, getting goosebumps as Monte was careful to lick off the blood without even biting in the slightest. He soon finished, leaving her arm almost spotless. Standing up slowly, Monte grabbed a large plaster from a drawer and knelt back down by her side, peeling the plastic off and tenderly smoothing out the sticky bandage over the scar. She noticed how he was drooling slightly, licking his lips.

Using his sleeve to wipe his mouth, he smiles slightly "how do you feel?" He asks. Blushing, Lucy nods "g-good.." she was mortified by how pleasant it felt to have his tongue licking at her skin. Something was different about Monte. His pupils were massively dilated, the inky blackness of them dominating his irises. Ascending up off his knees, Monte stumbled to the kitchen counter, his hands supporting him as he leant forward a little.

He was panting slightly "Lucy" he groans, his jaw tensed. "Go upstairs Into my room. Lock the door" he mumbles. Sitting up, Lucy looks worried "why...?" She enquiried. His hands clench against the counter "just do as I say..." he whispers. Lucy quickly hopped off the couch and ran upstairs, locking the door to his room and hiding beside the wardrobe, terrified of what he meant. Monte impatiently raced down into the basement, his heart racing as sweat drenched his body.

Methan slowly looked up, squinting and in bad shape, his wounds infected. Rushing at him, Monte greedily shredded into his arm, his sharp teeth piercing through the tissue and ruthlessly removing a chunk of his limb. Methan screeched loudly, squirming a great deal. Devouring the flesh, Monte panted in pleasured, savouring the metallic flavour of Methan's blood. Monte slowly bared his teeth in a smile "despite being an awful are rather delectable..." he whispers before walking back upstairs, leaving Methan whimpering and yelling. Locking the door, Monte wipes the blood from his mouth with his sleeve.

Monte started making his way upstairs, gingerly knocking on the door. Cowering away, Lucy hides her face. Monte waits for a few seconds before knocking again, this time he knocked more urgently. Standing up, her legs trembling, Lucy's sweaty hand fumbled with the lock. She immediately backed away from the door, her heart racing. The brass knob slowly turned and the door creaked open. The gorgeous man was standing in the doorframe, hints of blood still remaining on his face. He stepped forward and Stared down at the petrified woman.

Acting as though nothing happened, Monte asked Lucy a question, "what would you like for dinner?" Monte whispers, his hand tucking her hair behind her ear.

Lucy shakes her head, stepping away "nothing. I'm not hungry..." she said, looking down at her feet. Raising his eyebrows, monte replied "suit yourself" he mumbles, walking out of the room. Watching him leave, Lucy relaxes, her shoulders slouching. She felt for the bed in the dark and climbed onto the squeaking mattress, curling up and hugging her knees to her chest.

A distant, mellow sound penetrated Lucy's ears, causing her to stir a little in her sleep. She sits up, vision blurred, and looks at the analogue clock which read 3:15am. Surprised at the fact Monte hadn't interacted with her since around 5pm, she pushed herself off the bed, the smooth musical sound becoming more clear to her. Something about this music felt sinister at this time. Where was it coming from? Who was playing it?

Careful to not make a sound, she opened the door and stepped into the brisk hallway, hugging herself tightly for warmth. Lucy noticed a warm light leaking from under a rooms door. The light was very dim but the music was coming from the room, sounding whimsical and somewhat alien. Pressing her ear to the door, it opened silently, revealing Monte. She stood, staring with her mouth open slightly in awe. Monte was sat before her, his back turned to the door as he held onto a beautiful golden brass saxophone, blowing into the mouthpiece and his fingers gracefully working up and down the keys. He swayed slightly as he played. How extremely talented, Lucy thought.

She had been standing there for a few minutes before the playing suddenly stopped as she saw Monte's eyes staring into hers via the mirror opposite her. Placing the saxophone down, he blushes, turning to face her and then turning back to face the wall. Plucking up the courage to walk to Monte, Lucy stood in front of him. Monte just stared through her, his face had a red hue from embarrassment.

Kneeling before him, Lucy stares up into his eyes "Monte?" She whispered.

Rising off the chair, Monte picked up the saxophone and removed the neck before placing it into the case and closing the lid over the instrument "isn't it past your bedtime?" He asks, folding his arms. Lucy nods, getting up off of her knees "you kind of woke me up..." she says. Rubbing his forehead, Monte sighs "go back to sleep" he orders, still blushing a little. Lucy shakes her head "play for me...Please Monte" she begged. Frowning at her, Monte points to his bedroom "I said go to sleep" he mumbles. Reluctantly, she wondered back to his bed and lays down, unable to stop thinking of his magnificent playing. Trying to sleep, she could still hear Monte moving around

did he ever sleep? She wondered, closing her eyes. Eventually, She lost sense with her surroundings as her mind came to a rest, her body relaxing.

Monte the cannibal Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon