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Lucy was woken by Monte opening the door and bringing her a tray with a tea and some toast on "are you hungry darling?" He asks, placing the tray beside her. She cautiously took a piece of toast and ate. He smiles, the rat jumping onto his back. He chuckles and takes the rat, kissing it.

Lucy pulls a face and swallows the bite of toast "Monte?" She asks. He nods "Hm?"

She was going to mention the way he was so unhygienic but paused, not wanting to sound rude "nevermind" she says, finishing the toast slice. She hears a clang on the floor, noticing a ring spinning for a few seconds before stilling. Monte quickly picked it up and put it back on. Lucy recognised that ring. But where from?

Monte watches her eat and then looks to the door "I'll speak to you later, yes lucy?" Monte asks. Lucy nodded and he walked out of the room and down the stairs. Lucy sipped from the cup of tea, thinking about that ring.


Methan forced his eyes open, a shrill stabbing feeling shooting up and down his spine. His mouth felt incredibly dry as he ripped his tongue from the roof of his mouth, attempting to move. Yet his arms were tied together behind the chair he sat on. He lets out a grunt and sways side to side, the chair creaking as he did so. He desperately looks around, horrific tools dotted over the walls, coming into his blurred line of sight. He shuffles his feet, hearing the crinkling of plastic and he tries to scream but his mouth was covered in tape, so all that came out was a muffled yell. Methan ceases to scream when hearing a key turn in a lock from ahead in the dark.

He watched as a tall figure stepped down the creaking wooden stairs and into the light. The man wouldn't make eye contact, he just gently stroked a Bowie knife with his fingertip, sliding up and down the blade. Methan grunts in frustration and attempts to kick his feet. Monte still didn't look up, placing the knife down on a table. Methan watches him place the knife down and his eyes water, hands struggling against the rope, causing a friction burn.

He didn't recognise this man and was racking his brain intensely. Was it someone from his past? He thinks to himself, becoming more concerned for his life. The man finally looks into his eyes, straight into his soul. He approached him closely and paced around Methan in a circle, his breathing heavy. Monte stopped behind Methan and touched his neck, his fingers brushing over where the skin pulsed and lingering for a few seconds, his stomach growling a little. He then walks back to face Methan, folding his arms and dragging a chair to sit down infront of him, making him extremely uncomfortable.

His eyes piercing through him as if he knew all his dirty secrets. Methan breaks the eye contact, staring at the floor, sweat dripping down his neck which was covered in goosebumps. He could hear a squeaking and tilts his head back up to see Monte holding a little blonde rat. Methan frowns in disgust and struggles harder against the rope as Monte slowly moved the rat closer to his face. Lucy the rat leaped from Montes palm and onto Methan, causing him to shriek as the rodent began nibbling at his clothes. Monte shushes the irritable rat and stroked its fur, one hand unbuttoning Methan's stained shirt and revealing his bare chest. Monte watches as the rat tore into his flesh and methan let out an echoing scream, his blood soaking through his shirt and dribbling from the bite marks as he whimpered. Monte rubbed his finger over the bites and sucked off the blood with a soft moan. The rat hopped back into monte'shand and he kissed it, placing it down gently.

Methan watched him in horror as he leaned over to whisper in his ear "you hurt my Lucy" he murmurs. "You understand.....what I must do to protect her" He whispers even quieter, barely speaking. Methan was struck by shock and his eyes widen as he put the pieces together.

Monte chuckles very softly "also....I'm hungry" he muttered, pulling away from Methan as he swallows, staring at the wounds covering his chest. "What should I have first?" He asked himself quietly, circling around Methan with the knife back in his hand.

He drew the cold blade across his body, watching him flinch each time. Monte reaches for the tape and ripped it from his mouth. Methan gasps for air "y-you're crazy! Let me go!" He says, struggling to hold back his tears for longer. Monte slowly shakes his head, crossing his arms. Methan cries "I never meant to hurt her..." he exclaims.

Monte just glared at him "you know...ive always found that liars taste the best...." He whispers, wondering to the wall as he lifted off a saw before returning to Methan.

He drops it beside the chair with a clatter and kicked the base, causing it to fall back. Methan cries "HELP!" He desperately called out into the black cellar. The tall man stood over Methan and he pulls a face of aversion, kicking him violently in his face. Methan groaned in torment, his tears coating his cheeks. Monte crouches down and tilts Methan's head to face him, gripping his neck tightly. Monte squeezes, enjoying how methan choked and spluttered, beginning to become unconscious . "no." Monte says, releasing his neck "I want you awake." He says, turning to head out of the basement. Montes footsteps receded upstairs as he locked the door after leaving Methan alone in the dark.


Lucy was sleeping, her knees hugged to her chest as there was no heating. She slowly wakes up as the door opens and Monte walks in with a bowl, placing it on the table beside the bed "rest okay?" He asks, stirring the spoon in the bowl. Lucy nods slowly and sits up, leaning back as she positioned the pillow behind her.

Monte placed the bowl on her lap and handed her the spoon "I made you soup" he smiled. Lucy cautiously took the spoon from him and began swallowing a spoonful. She cringed at the taste and dropped the spoon back into the ceramic bowl with a clinking sound.

Monte furrows his eyebrow "something wrong?" He asked, staring at her as she forced a smile of satisfaction "I-it's great" she whispers.

Monte smiles and nods, gesturing for her to continue. Lucy forced another spoonful into her mouth, struggling to swallow the chunky mixture. She spat it out back into the bowl, gagging. Lucy looks up at him to see him glaring at her. "Y-you know what Monte, I'm not that hungry" she mumbles, passing the bowl back to him. Monte takes the bowl from her. He walked to the door and threw her a blank expression before taking it downstairs. She fidgets uncomfortably, moving to the edge of the bed and checking her watch. She missed her apartment as well as Hugh. Would he let her go?

Lucy followed shortly after him and opened the door, wondering downstairs quietly. She could hear clattering in the kitchen as Monte washed up the dish before turning the tap off. She slowly crept into the kitchen and Monte hears her, keeping his back faced to her but tilting his head up in awareness. Lucy clears her throat, standing behind her. He kept still, ignoring her attempt to get his attention.

"Monte...?" she whispered, biting the nail on her thumb. He slowly turns "yes Lucy?" He says, his eyes watering. Was he upset she didn't like his soup? Could he tell?

Lucy swallows "W-well I was just wondering if I could maybe....go home now...." She asked reluctantly. Monte placed the clean dish down on the countertop "oh Lucy.....I couldn't bear for you to get hurt...." He whispers, tilting his head slightly. Lucy laughs a little "hurt? What's that supposed to mean, I'm weak?" She asks, a little annoyed at him. Monte shakes his head

"no. I think you are a rather resilient young woman" he whispers back, playing with her hair a little.

Lucy backs away from him, grabbing her coat and sprinting to the door. "Lucy" monte hisses, standing still and just watching her leave his house. He didn't even attempt to stop her as she tugged at the handle and opened, slamming the door behind her. She noticed the foreboding grey sky and the flooded tarmac as the rain poured down, the faint sound of bins tumbling over in the distance. Lucy pulled her coat on, shivering at the wet weather.

Monte the cannibal Where stories live. Discover now